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何谓“语感”?我想:语文教材是文章,文章是由语言文字缀成的,语言文字是信息传递、接收、转换的载体。语文教学是以文章为“例子”,通过阅读来指导学生正确理解和运用祖国的语言文字,培养语文能力。阅读是阅读主体(读者,这里指学生)运用语言文字知识,在大脑思维作用下,对阅读客体(文章)中的语言信息做具体分析、判断、综合、推理、想象等的认识过程。因此,语感应指语言文字实施者在与语言信息材料交织中,对语言本质意义的感性直觉的认识。这种认识表现为解决问题的能力,故称语感能力。 阅读教学要突出语感训练,因为“各种语言运用中的问题总是凭语感来解决的。”(章熊《语文学习》1991年7期)“语文教学的首要任务是培养学生各方面的语感能力。”(吕叔湘《学习语法与培养语感》)从阅读方面看,有语音感,包括听的语音辨识,说的 What does “Language Sense” mean? I think: Chinese textbooks are articles, articles are affixed by language, and language is the carrier of information transmission, reception, and conversion. Chinese language teaching is based on articles as “examples”, through reading to guide students to correctly understand and use the language of the motherland, and cultivate language skills. Reading is the cognitive process of reading subjects (readers, students here) using language and writing knowledge to make specific analysis, judgment, synthesis, reasoning, and imagination of language information in reading objects (articles) under the influence of brain thinking. Therefore, linguistic sensing refers to the perception of the intrinsic and intuition of language in the interweaving of linguistic information material by language implementers. This understanding is expressed as the ability to solve problems, it is called language ability. Reading teaching should emphasize language training, because “the problems in the use of various languages ​​are always solved with a sense of language.” (Zhang Xiong, “Learning Studies,” 1991, Issue 7) “The primary task of language teaching is to cultivate students’ sense of language in all aspects. Ability.” (Lü Shuxiang “Learning Grammar and Language Sense”) From the reading perspective, there is a sense of speech, including speech recognition,
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