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译者点评:由以色列前司法部长贝林和巴勒斯坦前新闻部长拉布为首的巴以在野和平人士经过近3年的秘密谈判,终于在2003年12月1日在日内瓦正式启动了中东和平的《日内瓦倡议》。该倡议虽然遭到以色列政府的拒绝,也没完全为巴勒斯坦当局接受,更遭到巴勒斯坦激进派的抨击,但却在国际上和巴以民间引起强烈反响,受到各国政要的普遍欢迎。究其原因,是因为它首次对巴以冲突的几个主要焦点问题,如巴以最终边界、耶路撒冷归属和巴勒斯坦难民回归等提出了完整而具体的解决方案,使人们看到了未来巴以两国的大致轮廓。倡议提出,巴以双方以1967年第三次中东战争前的实际控制线即“绿线”为划定边界的依据;巴勒斯坦建立非军事化的主权国家,拥有整个加沙和约旦河西岸95%的土地;耶城分治,东耶城为巴首都,西耶城为以首都;巴勒斯坦放弃大部分难民回归的权利。该倡议被分析人士誉为迄今最大胆最彻底的和平方案。这就是本文的背景和主要内客。 Translator Comments: The Palestinian-Israeli peace leader, led by former Israeli Minister of Justice Belin and former Palestinian Information Minister Rabb, secretly negotiated for nearly three years and finally officially launched Middle East Peace in Geneva on December 1, 2003. Geneva Initiative. Although this initiative was rejected by the Israeli government, it was not completely accepted by the Palestinian Authority, and it was even criticized by the Palestinian radicals. However, it has aroused strong repercussions among the Palestinians and Israelis in the international community and has been widely welcomed by political leaders of various countries. The reason for this is because it has for the first time put forward a complete and concrete solution to several major focus issues of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, such as the final Israeli-Palestinian border, the ownership of Jerusalem, and the return of Palestine refugees, which has made people see the future of Palestine and Israel. The general outline. The initiative proposed that Palestine and Israel use the actual line of control before the third Middle East War in 1967 as the basis for the demarcation of the border; Palestine establishes a demilitarized sovereign state with the entire Gaza Strip and the West Bank. % of the land; the city of Jerusalem is divided, the city of East Jerusalem is the capital of Pakistan, and the city of Seville is the capital; Palestine waives the right of most refugees to return. The initiative was hailed by analysts as the boldest and most thorough peace plan to date. This is the background of this article and the main customers.
意外发现,小小枊编竟如此赚钱    万正和的家乡在河南固始县三河尖乡,这里盛产柳条。一直以来,这里的人们都喜欢将柳条编织成柳筐、柳篓,除了自己用外,一些人还拿到市场上去卖,可由于柳筐、柳篓在当地卖得很便宜,还不够工夫钱,所以大多数人都把柳条当作柴火烧掉。  万正和的柳编手艺在当地小有名气,1985年他到安徽一家柳编厂打工,没想到这次短暂的打工经历竟然会改变他以后的人生。  打工期间,万正和亲眼看到
纵有万贯家财,不如一技傍身。对于小本投资者来说,创业并不一定要开店面,学一门好的技术也不失为一条好的出路。 Even if you have a long list of wealth, it’s better to