Research on seismic behavior and shear strength of SRHC frame columns

来源 :Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hbhszs
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The seismic behavior of steel reinforced high strength and high performance concrete(SRHC)frame columns was investigated through pseudo-static experiments of 16 frame columns with various shear span ratios,axial compression ratios,concrete strengths,steel ratios and stirrup ratios.Three kinds of failure mechanisms are presented and the characteristics of experimental hysteretic curves and skeleton curves with different design parameters are discussed.The columns’ductility and energy dissipation were quantitatively evaluated based on seismic resistance.The research results indicate that SRHC frame columns can withstand extreme bearing capacity,but the abilities of ductility and energy dissipation are inferior because of SRHC’s natural brittleness.As a result,the axial load ratio should be restricted and some construction measures adopted,such as increasing the stirrup ratio.This research established effect factors on the bearing capacity of SPHC columns.Finally,an algorithm for obtaining ultimate bearing capacity using the flexural failure mode is established based on a modified planesection assumption.The authors also established equations to determine shearing baroclinic failure and shear bond failure based on the accumulation of the axial load force distribution ratio.The calculated results of shear bearing capacity for different failure modes were in good agreement with the experimental results. The seismic behavior of steel reinforced high strength and high performance concrete (SRHC) frame columns was investigated through pseudo-static experiments of 16 frame columns with various shear span ratios, axial compression ratios, concrete strengths, steel ratios and stirrup ratios. Three kinds of failure mechanisms are presented and the characteristics of experimental hysteretic curves and skeleton curves with different design parameters are discussed. The columns’ductility and energy dissipation were quantitatively evaluated based on seismic resistance. the research results indicate that SRHC frame columns can withstand extreme bearing capacity, but the abilities of ductility and energy dissipation are inferior because of SRHC’s natural brittleness. As a result, the axial load ratio should be restricted and some construction measures adopted, such as increasing the stirrup ratio. This research established effect factors on the bearing capacity of SPHC columns. Finally, an algorithm for obta ining ultimate bearing capacity using the flexural failure mode is established based on a modified planesection assumption. authors also established equations to determine shearing baroclinic failure and shear bond failure based on the accumulation of the axial load force distribution ratio. calculated results of shear bearing capacity for different failure modes were in good agreement with the experimental results.
非洲南部的卡拉哈里沙漠是地球上最干旱、最炎热的地区之一。然而,在这片堪称遍地荒芜的环境中却活跃着一种小型哺乳动物——猫鼬。  即使是长到成年后体重也仅有七百多克的猫鼬在危机四伏的沙漠中的确算不上强悍,但数十只猫鼬聚在一起群体生活就可以大大弥补这一不足了。  同伴们睡觉休整或者低头觅食时,群体中总有一只猫鼬自动担当起警戒放哨的职责。猫鼬的两条后腿和长长的尾巴构成一个稳定的三脚架来支撑直立的身子,而脖
2012年10月18日,由清科集团、杭州市下城区政府联合主办的第三届中国高成长企业CEO峰会在杭州隆重举办,清科集团2012年“中国最具投资价值企业50强”(下简称“清科V50”)榜单揭晓。清科V50力求成为创业企业吸引风险投资及上市融资的风向标,2011年参选企业达2143家,荣获清科V50的企业中获得融资的企业有26家,占获奖企业的52%,其中已披露获得的融资总额就达6.9亿美元。  今年已是
目的:观察血管内皮生长因子( V E G F) 对喉癌细胞增殖动力学的影响。方法:首先建立荷瘤( H E P2 喉癌细胞) 裸鼠动物模型,将抗 V E G F 抗体及抗 V E G F 受体flt 抗体分别注射荷瘤鼠体内,通过活体标
译注:为了编制《机械工业单层厂房抗震设计规程》,摘译了 R,Park and T.parley“Reinforced Concretestructures”1975.p.154的有关部分。本文较详细的叙述了,双向受弯的偏