
来源 :河南科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yongren803
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今年是我省科技情报事业创建三十周年。三十年来,科技情报事业发展迅速,情报工作者在面向经济建设,为领导决策和科研、生产服务等方面都取得了明显成效。河南省科委为了总结、表彰科技情报工作服务“四化”建设所取得的成果,进一步调动情报人员的积极性,今年首次对全省科技情报系统遴选申报1978年以来的情报调研、文献管理、决策服务、技术手段、情报刊物、技术经济实体、情报职能管理等七个方面的科技情报成果进行了评审,共评选出205项,其中一等奖11项,二等奖36项,三等奖158项。另外,还对已获过相当等级以上的51项科技情报成果授予7 This year is the thirtieth anniversary of the founding of science and technology intelligence in our province. In the past 30 years, the cause of science and technology intelligence has been developing rapidly. The intelligence workers have made remarkable achievements in economic decision-making and scientific research and production services. Henan Science and Technology Commission in order to summarize and commend achievements made in the construction of the “four modernizations” of science and technology intelligence service and further arouse the enthusiasm of intelligence personnel. This year, for the first time, the selection, selection and appraisal of the scientific and technological intelligence system in the province since 1978 has been reported to the departments of intelligence investigation, document management and decision-making Service, technical means, intelligence publications, technical and economic entities, intelligence function management and other aspects of scientific and technological intelligence achievements were reviewed, a total of 205 selected, of which 11 first prize, 36 second prize, third prize 158 item. In addition, 51 scientific and technological intelligence achievements have been awarded a considerable level above 7
本文就毫伏计维护中的几个问题谈谈我们的认识,与从事热工仪表工作的同志们探讨。 1.轴承能否上油目前测温中大量使用的毫伏计如EFZ等,其指针动圈等运动机构是由轴尖和轴承
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Baotou Aluminium Smelter is located in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region where coal resources are aboundant.The first potline of the Smelter was constructed and