苏州丝绸集团公司在结构调整中注重新品开发,致力于将知识经济与千年老产业嫁接。今年1至10月份,集团公司共试制新产品500只,新花色1100只,投资新产品330只,新产品的技术开发率、技术转换率和市场占有率均处于全省前列。 丝绸素有“纤维皇后”之誉,千百年来是人们心目中的服饰精品。苏州是我国丝绸的主要生产基地和出口创汇重点地区之一,而近年来由于丝绸产品技术创新力度不够,产品档次不高,一般性产品多。如何为传统工业注入新的生机与活力,知识创新成为苏州丝绸集团的重要途径。
Suzhou Silk Group Corporation pays attention to the development of new products in structural adjustment and is committed to grafting the knowledge economy with the millennium old industries. From January to October of this year, the group company had trial-produced 500 new products, with 1,100 new designs and 330 new investment products. The rate of technological development, technology conversion, and market share of new products are among the highest in the province. Silk is known as the “Queen of Fibers” and has been the costume of the people for thousands of years. Suzhou is one of the major production bases of silk in China and one of the key regions for export earnings. In recent years, due to the lack of technical innovation in silk products, the grades of products are not high, and there are many general products. How to inject new vitality and vitality into traditional industries, knowledge innovation has become an important way for Suzhou Silk Group.