来源 :Science in China,Ser.B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yhl_2011
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Tetrahydropalmatine (THP) has two enantiomers with different effects on the brain dopaminergic system. Using [~3H]spiperone for DA receptor binding assay, it was found that l-THP had an affinity to DA receptors (K_1=0.2μM). Neither d-THP nor reserpine showed such an effect even at concentrations higher than 100 or 1000μM. Based on the fact that the presynaptic DA receptors take part in feed-back regulation on tyrosiue hydroxylase activity, DOPA accumulation could be observed in rat striatum after injection of benserazide. A small dose of l-THP (2.5, 5, 10 mg/kg, ip.) caused an elevation of DOPA level by 49—282% versus the control value, and could reverse the decrease of DOPA level induced by apomorphine, a DA receptor agonist. On the contrary, d-THP displayed a biphasic effect on DOPA level, slight decrement (26—37%) at 10 and 25mg/kg, naught at 50mg/kg, and a 91% increment at 100 mk/kg, which was less than that of l-THP at 5mg/kg. Moreover, measured by pulse voltammetry, DOPAC level in the striatum Tetrahydropalmatine (THP) has two enantiomers with different effects on the brain dopaminergic system. Using [~ 3H] spiperone for DA receptor binding assay, it was found that THP had an affinity to DA receptors (K_1 = 0.2 μM) -THP nor reserpine showed such an effect even at concentrations higher than 100 or 1000 μM. Based on the fact that the presynaptic DA receptors take part in feed-back regulation on tyrosiue hydroxylase activity, DOPA accumulation could be observed in rat striatum after injection of benserazide . A small dose of l-THP (2.5, 5, 10 mg / kg, ip.) Caused an elevation of DOPA level by 49-282% versus the control value, and could reverse the decrease of DOPA level induced by apomorphine, a DA receptor agonist. On the contrary, d-THP displayed a biphasic effect on DOPA level, slight decrement (26-37%) at 10 and 25 mg / kg, naught at 50 mg / kg, and a 91% increment at 100 mk / kg , which was less than that of l-THP at 5 mg / kg. Moreover, measured by pulse voltammetry, DOPAC l evel in the striatum
问:女儿有些偏科,数学跟不上。我数学很好,便利用空闲时间给她补课。起初,女儿成绩提升很明显,可后来却越来越差,是什么原因呢?  答:每个孩子情况不同,一般来说有三方面的因素:  一是孩子养成依赖习惯。有些中档题、次难题,孩子动脑思考可能会做出来,但有别人辅导,自己不再思考,失去了锻炼思维能力的机会,这样的辅导越多,孩子思维越懒惰。  二是缺乏必要的訓练。家长讲得多,孩子练得少,当时能听懂,但因缺少
近日网上流传一封家书,据说是奥巴马写给女儿的,从“不要在外面吃饭”这类小事到“不要自私”这类普世价值观,每一条都细腻、感人,因此在父母圈中广为流传。  然而,也有父母表示,“名人家书”孩子早就读腻了;关于美德的道理,平时对孩子也没少说,“但说来说去,他就是不听你的呀!”这让父母有什么办法呢?  父母的无奈,折射出“名人家书”的局限性。这种读物,其中太多说教。如果要父母拿这些条条款款,每天要求孩子“
In order to evaluate and estimate the costs of products produced in a complex manufacturing environment properly,an improved activity-based costing(ABC) model i
前几天,一位家长朋友找我倾诉,她说自己特别有压力。  “儿子东东上中班。这几天,他对自己从哪里来这个问题表现出空前的好奇和热情。我很想理直气壮地指着肚子上的刀疤告诉儿子:从这里剖出来的!但遗憾的是,我是自然产,不是剖腹产。因为我受过教育,不会随便拿‘你是垃圾桶里捡来的’‘你是胳肢窝出来的’‘你是肚脐眼里出来的’之类的话随便蒙他。我知道一个谎言要动用更多的谎言去掩护,但我确实不知道如何以一种合适的方
阜阳市局 £4a 局长——_MINtkMMtgj’#lnH$B——q.M——D收束志不他只邀狲位J则【科校为先导推动地租工作.B为广为戳民U用凶盼引眯B.习.互们羹宽.互狈槽竺汹IAn.刊 办好杂志。必
小女岁数不大,可个性挺强,小毛病也不少,常惹得我头痛不已。  女儿是个变色龙,在学校里总是以“乖乖女”的形象示人。可是一回到家,变脸似的,换成了另一副面孔,成了“淘气包”。不是把玩具弄得到处都是,就是在家乱涂乱画。为这事,没少批评过她,可是,效果并不佳,依然屡教不改。  这天,她玩过玩具,又没有将玩具物归原处。这下,让我气不打一处来。我严厉地对她说:“婷儿,今天你要是不把玩具收拾好,以后别想再玩了
<正> 一、编辑“学者化”的客观需要编辑是否需要“学者化”呢? 从社会的发展来看:随着社会生产力的发展和科技水平的提高,现代科学突飞猛进的一个显著特点,表现为高度分化和