
来源 :轻合金加工技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lrdg
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1 引言耐火材料在原铝的生产和将其加工成铝材的过程中起着非常重要的作用。从历史上看,在铝工业的各个领域内,除铝电解槽系列使用碳质内衬外,耐火砖和泥浆作为主要的耐火材料,如同在大多数金属加工工业中那样,都得到了广泛的应用。特别是从20世纪60年代以来,人们对提高金属纯净度、完善新合金和降低生产成本提出了新要求,自然也就希望改进一直使用着的耐火材料系统。富氧化铝耐火材料(以刚玉和铝矾土为主要原料)的研制和使用恰能如愿以偿。在其同时,大块耐火材料技术也取得了重要进 1 Introduction Refractory materials play a very important role in the production of primary aluminum and its processing into aluminum. Historically, in all areas of the aluminum industry, in addition to the use of carbonaceous linings in the aluminum electrolysis cell range, refractory bricks and slurries have been widely used as the primary refractory materials, as in most metalworking industries application. Especially since the 1960s, people have put forward new requirements to improve the purity of the metal, improve the new alloy and reduce the production cost. Naturally, it is also hoped to improve the refractory system which has been used all the time. Alumina-rich refractory materials (corundum and bauxite as the main raw material) of the development and use just to do so. At the same time, bulk refractory technology has also made significant progress
介绍了基于网络的塑料异型材挤出模CAD系统的构成和实现方法,并阐述了建立挤出模CAD基础工程数据库的方法和意义。 The construction and implementation of CAD system for
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OBJECTIVE:To probe the toxicity and relative application theory of the commonly-used traditional Chinese herbal drug Taoren(Semen Persicae),and set up a correct
世界卫生组织早就建议,每人每天摄入食盐不能超过5克。据调查,现在的中国人口味全球最重,食盐摄入量远远高于世界平均水平。那么,古代中国人每天摄入的盐量是否也超标呢? WH