Male patient, 59 years old. Patients with diabetes mellitus for 9 years, during which the dose of 80mg Diamicron (mepivudine name) 80mg daily treatment, fasting blood glucose (FBG) control at about 5.6mmol / L. Early August 1989 repeated dizziness before breakfast, palpitation, after eating can ease. On the morning of August 9, the same morning, the above-mentioned symptoms developed again with sweating. Without consciousness, there was loss of consciousness and coldness in the extremities, which was sent to our hospital for emergency treatment. After intravenous injection of glucose solution, consciousness turned to awake. Since then Daimeikang changed to 80mg twice daily (morning and evening suits), patients still have hunger before breakfast, feeling of panic. The investigation FBG2.1mmol / L, while 2 small meals