财务为中心 企业转机制

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1994年,上海港务局把我们海华轮船公司作为全港股份制改制,建立现代企业制度的试点单位。同时上海市人民政府交通办公室、上海市证券管理委员会已批准我司作为全市的15家股份制上市公司之一。今年,上海市又将我司列入全市140家建立现代企业制度的试点单位之一。于是我们已开始实施以财务为中心的管理体制,搞好企业改制转机。 一、公司现状及改制的由来 上海海华轮船公司是于1988年9月30日由交通部正式批准成立的国际航运企业。1989年5月26日正式营业。1989年5月~1992年年中为公司初创阶段。1992年年中~1994年为巩固发展阶段,1994年底至今为改制试点筹建股份制公司阶段。 公司自1991年以来,已连续四年累计创利1072万元人民币,创汇602万元美元,折旧还贷480万元人民币,平均每年综合经济效益达到840万元人民币,人均年综合经济效益达10万元人民币。 公司航线生产规模:1992年是1艘秀山轮和1艘租船,两条航线,每月3个航班。发展到现在生产规模是4艘自有船舶(秀山、清山、富山、晓峰轮),租船3艘,联手经营2艘,共9艘船,每月20个航班(即上海—新加坡1艘1班,上海一香港4艘9~13班,上海—日本3艘8~11个航班),另外晓峰号外租走日本—香港—厦门集装箱航线。 国有资产:公司自有船舶4艘,建购集装箱600TEU,租? In 1994, Shanghai Port Authority put our Haihua Shipping Company as a pilot unit for reshuffling the shareholding system in Hong Kong and establishing a modern enterprise system. At the same time, Shanghai Municipal People’s Government Traffic Office and Shanghai Securities Regulatory Commission have approved our company as one of the 15 joint-stock companies in the city. This year, Shanghai has included our company in one of the 140 pilot units in the city that established a modern enterprise system. So we have begun to implement the financial-centric management system and improve the restructuring of enterprises. First, the company status quo and the origin of restructuring Shanghai Haihua Shipping Company is in September 30, 1988 by the Ministry of Transportation formally approved the establishment of the international shipping companies. May 26, 1989 officially open. May 1989 to mid-1992 for the company’s start-up phase. From mid-1992 to 1994 to consolidate the development stage, since the end of 1994, a joint-stock company for restructuring pilot projects stage. Since 1991, the company has accumulatively earned a profit of 10.72 million yuan for 4 consecutive years, earning 6,020,000 U.S. dollars and depreciation repaying 4,800,000 yuan. The average annual comprehensive economic benefit reached 8,400,000 yuan, and the per capita annual comprehensive economic benefit reached 100,000 Yuan Renminbi. Company route production scale: 1992 is a Xiu-Shan and a charter boat, two routes, three flights per month. The scale of production is now four self-owned vessels (Xiushan, Qing Shan, Toyama, Xiaofeng round), charter 3, jointly operating two, a total of nine vessels, 20 flights per month (Shanghai - Singapore 1 1 class, Shanghai and Hong Kong 4 9 to 13 classes, Shanghai - Japan 3 8 to 11 flights), the other Xiaofeng leased Japan - Hong Kong - Xiamen container shipping routes. State-owned Assets: The company owns 4 vessels, 600TEU of construction and purchase containers,
[摘 要] 本文介绍采用6个语文课堂教学策略,以提高课堂教学实效。  [关键词] 语文教学 学习兴趣 预习习惯 学习快乐 理解课文  新课改,让课堂充满了激情和活力,让语文教学更精彩。“一切为了学生,为了每一位学生的发展”是新课程的教学理念,为此新课程下的课堂教学,既要师生互动起来,又要提高课堂教学的实效性。提高课堂的实效,就是在课堂40分钟获得最大的效益,学生的激情是无限
如果中国的出口数据还是持续下降,那么缺乏贸易融资将不再是大家拿来炒作的借口,而是实实在在必须面对的问题。    银行信贷选择性增强    有关人士估计,如果有2/3的国际贸易收缩是由于最终需求的低迷所导致的,那么其余的原因则是银行回避贷款给贸易企业。  低迷的贸易需求,加之偶有银行倒闭,世界各地的银行纷纷呼吁降低对国际贸易的融资。尽管国内银行对于贸易融资表现出更多的兴趣,但是“资源只开放给有限的观
叶尚志书法诗词展于8月14日——19日在北京民族文化宫隆重举行。由全国政协副主席赵朴初、抗大校长联谊会会长阎捷三将军、中国书法家协会会长沈鹏剪彩. 参加观摩的有中共中