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让发展的成果惠及全体人民,促进人与自然的和谐,走生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好的文明发展之路,成为发展民生科技的重要原则。6月24日,神州九号与天宫一号成功实现手动交会对接,蛟龙号载人潜水器下潜深度首次突破7000米,我国古人“上九天,下五洋”的梦想,在同一天实现了。中微子振荡、铁基超导、拓扑绝缘体等一批世界领先的科学成果涌现,量子信息、纳米科技、干细胞和再生医学、生命起源和进化等若干重要和新兴领域的前沿探索进入世界前列。首座实验快堆成功并网运行,“天河一号”超级计算机研制成功,煤制乙二醇和甲醇制烯烃实现工业化应用,风 Letting the fruits of development benefit all the people, promoting the harmony between man and nature, and taking the path of productive development, affluent life and a sound ecological civilization, has become an important principle for developing people's livelihood and science and technology. On June 24, Shenzhou IX and Tiangong-1 successfully achieved the rendezvous and docking at a manual rendezvous. The dragon diving depth of the dragon dived for the first time exceeded 7,000 meters. The ancient Chinese people's dream of “on the 9th day and the 5th century” was on the same day Achieved. Some of the world's leading scientific achievements such as neutrino oscillation, iron-based superconducting and topological insulators have emerged and the forefront exploration of several important and emerging fields such as quantum information, nanotechnology, stem cell and regenerative medicine, life origin and evolution has entered the world front. The first experimental fast reactor successfully grid-connected operation, “Tianhe No.1” supercomputer was successfully developed, coal-based ethylene glycol and methanol-based olefins for industrial applications, the wind
时下的媒体经常出现“学习型企业”、“学习型社会”以及“学习型社区”的字眼 ,颇为吸引人们的目光 ,关于“学习型组织”的书籍比如《第五项修炼》等 ,也是相当热门的畅销书
花园里种满了玫瑰花,装扮着整个花园。有个老奶奶守护在那里,给需要花的人提供方便。风儿看着花儿说:“多美丽的玫瑰花呀!希望它们都是幸运的玫瑰花。” The garden is full
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合并报表的母公司理论与经济实体理论孰优孰劣?本文试图从决策有用理论的角度对这一问题进行分析。 Which one is better for the parent company theory and the economic