
来源 :贵州农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kissall79
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大豆玉米间作,是我国各地区的主要间作形式,南方各省与大豆间套作的作物和类型更为复杂。我省大豆则有95%左右以间套作为主,主要与玉米间作,也有与洋芋、烤烟、茶等作物间作的。间套面积为500~667万亩,占旱地播种面积的20~27%。 实践证明,大豆合理间套作,与清种比较起来,更好地利用时间、空间和光能,以提高产量。但如果作物间的关系处理不当,也会使大豆大幅度的减产。大豆玉米间作减产的原因,主要是玉米植株高大遮荫,处于 Intercropping of soybean and corn is a major intercropping pattern in all regions of our country. The crops and types of intercropping between the southern provinces and soya are more complicated. About 95% of the province’s soybeans are mainly used for intercropping, mainly for intercropping with corn, as well as intercropping with potatoes, tobacco, tea and other crops. Between the sets of 500 ~ 667 acres, accounting for dry land sown area of ​​20 to 27%. Practice has proved that the intercropping of soybean reasonable, compared with the clear species, make better use of time, space and light energy to increase production. However, if the relationship between crops is not handled properly, the soybean production will also be significantly reduced. Intercropping soybeans for intercropping reasons, mainly tall and shady corn plants, at
NO.1《白毛女》rn黑白;东北电影制片厂1950年出品;编剧:水华 王滨 杨润身;导演:王滨 水华;主演:田华 陈强[一句话剧情:旧社会把人逼成鬼,新社会把鬼变成人.]rn李堡村全体村民
摘要:本文从新疆维吾尔自治区教育电子政务构建的技术体系和管理体系两个层面,对教育电子政务建设进行研究。在进一步深化自己对教育电子政务统一认识的同时,为教育主管部门提供可借鉴的思路,也为各教育机构、学校等相关部门构建电子政务体系提供理论与方法上的指导。  关键词:电子政务;教育电子政务   中图分类号:G472 文献标识码:A文章编号:1673-8454(2008)16-0004-03    为了全
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本文主要阐述了影视动画表演思维体现出的表演技巧的应用,并根据多部影视动画大片分析了思维对影视动画的影响和应用。 This paper mainly expounds the application of per