Comparative analysis of radiofrequency ablation and resection for resectable colorectal liver metast

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chaizw
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AIM:To evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of radiofrequency ablation(RFA)for resectable colorectal liver metastases(CRLM)compared with that of resection.METHODS:Between June 2004 and June 2009,we retrospectively analyzed 29 patients with resectable CRLMs;17 patients underwent RFA,and 12 underwent hepatic resection.All of the patients were informed about the treatment modalities and were allowed to choose either of them.RFA including an intraoperative approach was performed by a radiologist;otherwise,hepatic resection was performed by a surgeon.Comparative analysis of the two groups was performed,including comparisons of gender,age,and clinical outcomes,such as primary tumor stage and survival rates.RESULTS:The mean tumor size was significantly larger in the resection group(3.59 cm vs 2.02 cm,P<0.01),and the 5-year overall survival(OS)rate for all patients was 44.7%.There was no difference in the 5-year OS rates between the RFA and resection groups(37.8%vs66.7%).Univariate analysis indicated significantly lower5-year OS rates for patients with a tumor size>3cm.The 5-year disease-free survival(DFS)rates were17.6%and 22.2%in the RFA and resection groups,respectively(P=0.119).Univariate analysis revealed that in cases of male gender,age>65 years,T stage<Ⅳ,absence of lymphatic metastasis,and tumor size>3 cm,RFA resulted in significantly inferior 5-year DFS rates compared with surgical resection.CONCLUSION:Surgical resection revealed superior outcomes in the treatment of resectable CRLMs,particularly in cases with a hepatic tumor size>3 cm. AIM: To evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of radiofrequency ablation (RFA) for resectable colorectal liver metastases (CRLM) compared with that of resection. METHODS: Between June 2004 and June 2009, we retrospectively analyzed 29 patients with resectable CRLMs; 17 patients underwent RFA, and 12 underwent hepatic resection. All of the patients were informed about the treatment modalities and were allowed to choose either of them. RFA including an intraoperative approach was performed by a radiologist; otherwise, hepatic resection was performed by a surgeon. Compararative analysis of the two groups was performed, including comparisons of gender, age, and clinical outcomes, such as primary tumor stage and survival rates .RESULTS: The mean tumor size was significantly larger in the resection group (3.59 cm vs 2.02 cm, P <0.01) and the 5-year overall survival (OS) rate for all patients was 44.7%. There was no difference in the 5-year OS rates between the RFA and resection groups (37.8% vs 66.7%). Univariate analysis indic The 5-year disease-free survival (DFS) rates were 17.6% and 22.2% in the RFA and resection groups, respectively (P = 0.119). Univariate analysis revealed that in cases of male gender, age> 65 years, T stage 3 cm, RFA resulted in significantly inferior 5-year DFS rates compared with surgical resection.CONCLUSION: Surgical resection revealed superior outcomes in the treatment of resectable CRLMs, particularly in cases with a hepatic tumor size> 3 cm.
◆摘 要:技工院校的德育课程,虽然属于必修课程,但是学生的积极性并不高,甚至是敷衍的态度。随着各类技能大赛的开展,涌现出一批肯吃苦,勇于拼搏的技术能手,他们绝大部分来自全国各大技工院校,他们年轻,有理想,有担当,在学生中间也产生了很深的影响,这些选手身上的优秀品质,以及作为技能人才必备的素养,都值得我们的学生学习,德育课程也应该以此为契机,对课程内容进行改革创新,发挥德育课程的优势,为技工教育注入
AIM: To develop and initially test a potential fecal protein biochip for the screening of colorectal cancer(CRC). METHODS: Fecal protein from 20 colorectal canc
◆摘 要:生物学是一门实验科学,但在实际教学过程中,由于时间、设备的限制,很多实验不能很好地开展。而希沃软件具有虚拟实验、视频展台、手机助手等功能,能够帮助教师更有效开展生物学实验教学,提高学生的实验探究能力,提升生物学核心素养。  ◆关键词:希沃软件;生物;实验;课堂教学  生物学是一门实验科学,新课程标准指出;实验教学是促成学生达成生物学学科核心素养的重要支撑。但是在实际教学过程中,由于时间、
◆摘 要:工业设计专业人才培养一直是一项长期而复杂的工作,他需要对其教学不断实践中进行改革。在学生工作室下工业设计专业双创型人才培养模式经过了长期的实践和研究,取得了一系列不错的成果,同时也说明了双创型人才培养的可行性。但是学生工作室下工业设计专业双创型人才培养也存在一些问题,主要是客观条件的制约,例如:我国高职院校中工作室建筑面积狭小,双创性人才培养力量不足,相关制度体系不完善,教师不够专业。这
◆摘 要:财务会计在工程造价的过程中起着非常重要的作用。财务会计在针对工程造价的核算时能够有效的控制工程成本的投入,这样不但能够增加工程建设当中的利润率,还能够有效的使工程造价在一定程度上针对于工程项目本身起到一些监督和监控的作用。另外国家法制和法规针对于财务会计在工程造价中的作用也在不断延伸和修订,以保证财务会计能够持续为工程项目的顺利进行提供良好的保障。  ◆关键词:财务会计;工程造价;对策 
◆摘 要:从具体情况来看,在高中,化学是一门非常重要的学科,而且所涉及到的知识也比较多、比较复杂,学生在学习时需要耗费很长的时间。另外,这门课程虽然是理科生学习的,但是也有很多的理论知识需要记忆。因此,在实际学习中,学生也就面对着很多的难题。因为,仅仅只是单一化的记忆,是很容易忘记的。因此,在这个时候,也需要采取有效的记忆方法。而思维导图就是其中一种。在本文中,就针对这部分的内容进行了探讨。  ◆
◆摘 要:近年来,随着我国教育业的快速发展,社会各界对于素质教育的关注程度不断提升,教育教学活动紧紧围绕着学生的核心素养开展,在此情况下开展学科教学更加重视培养学生的核心素养。对于高中生而言,面对高考所带来的压力,在学习该学科知识时,只注重对高频考点的学习,忽视了提升学科素养所必须的条件。在此情况下,伴随教育改革的不断深入,要重视起培养学生学科素养的必要性,需要制定出有效的培养策略。本文在此就核心
◆摘 要:STSE教育理念是适应当前新课标教学目标的重要创新教学理念,对于学生的化学综合素养培育具有重要的促进作用。当前高中化学教学过程中,有一些教师还无法熟练的掌握STSE教育理念的教学方式,需要进行深入的研究后,结合学生的学习兴趣和学习情况进行科学合理的创新和优化,在保证教学效果的同时,奠定学生化学基础知识,提高学生的学习综合能力,树立学生的可持续发展观念,全面提升高中化学教学的水平和教学质量
◆摘 要:英语是每一位学生必修的课程,对于中国学生来说,英语还是有难度的,英语中语法的难度很大,并且英语听力也是每位学生最害怕的一项内容,当代大学生的英语听力水平普遍较弱,但是英语听力成绩的分值在提高,因此培养大学生英语听力自主学习是很重要的。自主学习是指学生自己管理安排学习计划,但是目前很多大学生在空闲时间都只会拿着手机玩一些游戏或者是刷一些新闻,对英语听力的学习积极性不高,这也就导致大学生英语