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目的了解广东省广州珠江河口水网地区霍乱和副溶血弧菌在不同生态环境中的分布情况及其毒力基因携带特征,分析环境中霍乱弧菌与历史病例分布的关系。方法根据广州珠江河口地区水网特征进行监测,采集水体样品、甲壳类、贝壳类及鱼、蛙等海(水)产品计1 608份,应用PCR检测毒力基因携带情况;采用脉冲电泳场(PF-GE)法对既往暴发疫情病例分离菌株与本研究分离霍乱菌株进行聚类分析。结果检出霍乱弧菌污染样品3份,总阳性率为0.19%,不携带毒力基因;PFGE聚类分析显示,与既往病例遗传关联度高;检出副溶血弧菌污染样品487份,总阳性率为30.29%,大部分不携带毒力基因;海水污染率高于其他环境水体,与水体深度、潮汐、水温、pH、盐度等有关。结果广州珠江河口地区海(水)产品、海水等外环境中存在霍乱及副溶血弧菌污染,外环境副溶血弧菌检出率以贝壳类海产品为最高。结论广州珠江河口地区海(水)产品、海水等外环境中存在霍乱及副溶血弧菌污染,外环境副溶血弧菌检出率以贝壳类海产品为最高。 Objective To understand the distribution of cholera and Vibrio parahaemolyticus in different ecological environments and the characteristics of virulence genes in the Pearl River Estuary water network in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, and to analyze the relationship between Vibrio cholerae and the distribution of historical cases in the environment. Methods According to the characteristics of water network in Pearl River estuary in Guangzhou, 1 608 samples of seawater samples including crustaceans, shellfish, shellfish, frogs and frogs were collected and used to detect virulence genes. PCR was carried out using pulse electrophoresis PF-GE) method was used to cluster the isolates of cholera isolates from previous outbreak cases. Results 3 samples of V. cholerae were detected, the total positive rate was 0.19%, which did not carry virulence genes. PFGE clustering analysis showed that there was a high degree of genetic association with previous cases. 487 samples of V. parahaemolyticus were detected, The positive rate was 30.29%, most of which did not carry virulence genes. The seawater pollution rate was higher than other environmental water bodies, which was related to water depth, tide, water temperature, pH and salinity. Results Cholera and Vibrio parahaemolyticus were found in seawater (seawater) products and seawater in the Pearl River estuary of Guangzhou. The detection rate of Vibrio parahaemolyticus outside the environment was highest in shellfish products. Conclusion Cholera and Vibrio parahaemolyticus were contaminated in seawater and seawater environment in the Pearl River estuary of Guangzhou. The detection rate of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in the external environment was highest in shellfish products.
2005年11月27日21时40 分,龙煤集团七台河分公司东风煤矿发生了震惊全国的特大矿难事故,有170名矿工在井下遇难。记者在跟踪报道这次事故发生的真相同时,也采撷到了一些感人
本论文以拓宽成人教育学视野与思路为旨趣,务求尊重历史的本来面貌,尽可能从成人教育学演变的真实足迹中探寻其本身发展的逻辑及其当下发展的问题与出路。 论文的主要内容如
我叫周成,是重庆煤炭集团石壕煤矿的一名技术工人。风雨二十四载,煤矿井下工作遇到的各种危险不计其数,但真正使我终身难忘的还是一次采煤工作面顶板垮塌事故。 1986年6月,我
1 购买家庭居室照明灯具,首先要考虑所购灯具的用途。作主照明,应选用发光效率高、光色较好的灯具,如荧光灯、多头吊灯、多头吸顶灯。rn2 作学习照明时,应选用调光台灯或保健台灯