,A Phase Shift Demodulation Technique: Verification and Application in Fluorescence Phase Based Oxyg

来源 :光子传感器(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weibo78500
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A phase shift demodulation technique based on subtraction capable of measuring 0.03 phase degree limit between sinusoidal signals is presented in this paper.A self-gain module and a practical subtracter act the keel parts of the phase shift demodulation system.Electric signals in different phases are used to verify the performance of the system.In addition,a new designed optical source,laser fiber differential source (LFDS),capable of generating mini phase is used to further verify the system reliability.R-square of 0.99997 in electric signals and R-square of 0.99877 in LFDS are achieved,and 0.03 degree measurement limit is realized in experiments.Furthermore,the phase shift demodulation system is applied to the fluorescence phase based oxygen sensors to realize the fundamental function.The experimental results reveal that a good repetition and better than 0.02% oxygen concentration measurement accuracy are realized.In addition,the phase shift demodulation system can be easily integrated to other applications.
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本实验通过对松乳菇(Lactarius deliciosus)子实体甲醇浸膏萃取、硅胶柱层析、凝胶柱层析等一系列方法进行分离纯化,并用核磁共振仪、质谱仪以及紫外、红外扫描仪等波谱技术,结合
The intrusion events in the optical fiber pre-waing system (OFPS) are divided into two types which are harmful intrusion event and harmless interference event.A