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无论身处哪个时代,历史都是人类前进之路的铺垫;无论哪个民族,历史都是见证兴衰的明镜,我们学习历史,是要铭记成长,警醒自省。在我国,初中历史教育是学生学习历史的入门阶段,所以兴趣培养显得尤为关键。历史课堂教学学生兴趣的培养需要精彩的课堂导入。一段引人入胜的课堂导入是极具感染性的,能够迅速将学生带入历史场景,激起学生浓厚的兴趣。课堂导入的形式并不单一,可以是一段贴近学生生活认知的幽默语言; No matter what age we live in, history is the foreshadowing of the way forward for mankind. No matter what nation or history is the mirror of the rise and fall of witness, we must learn from history to remember growth and wake up. In our country, junior high school history education is the entry stage of the history of student learning, so it is particularly crucial to cultivate the interest. History Classroom Teaching Students interested in the need for wonderful introduction of the classroom. A fascinating introduction to the classroom can be contagious and can quickly bring students into the historical setting, arousing strong interest from students. The introduction of the classroom is not a single form, it can be a humorous language close to the cognitive life of students;
教学内容:苏教版二年级下册第64-65页的例题以及第65-66页的“想想做做”第1-4题。教学目标:1·使学生联系生活中一些常见的物体初步认识 Teaching content: The second edi
坊前中心幼儿园坐落于无锡市新区江溪街道,现有20个班级,710名幼儿,教职员工76人。近年来,幼儿园在“上善若水”园风的引领下 Square Square nursery is located in Wuxi Ne
一、引言 竖平板通道自然对流在许多工业设备中得到了广泛的应用。在肋片式散热器及电子设备散热的热设计中,经常涉及换热优化问题,即在给定的空间范围内如何设计多通道体系
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