A 0.18μm CMOS inductorless complementary-noise-canceling-LNA for TV tuner applications

来源 :半导体学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lichong0324
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This paper presents an inductorless complementary-noise-canceling LNA(CNCLNA) for TV tuners.The CNCLNA exploits single-to-differential topology,which consists of a common gate stage and a common source stage. The complementary topology can save power and improve the noise figure.Linearity is also enhanced by employing a multiple gated transistors technique.The chip is implemented in SMIC 0.18μm CMOS technology.Measurement shows that the proposed CNCLNA achieves 13.5-16 dB voltage gain from 50 to 860 MHz,the noise figure is below 4.5 dB and has a minimum value of 2.9 dB,and the best P_(ldB)is -7.5 dBm at 860 MHz.The core consumes 6 mA current with a supply voltage of 1.8 V,while the core area is only 0.2×0.2 mm~2. This paper presents an inductor complementary-noise-canceling LNA (CNCLNA) for TV tuners. The CNCLNA exploits single-to-differential topology, which consists of a common gate stage and a common source stage. The complementary topology can save power and improve the noise figure.Linearity is also enhanced by employing a multiple gated transistors technique. The chip is implemented in SMIC 0.18 μm CMOS technology. Measurement shows that the proposed CNCLNA achieves 13.5-16 dB voltage gain from 50 to 860 MHz, the noise figure is below 4.5 dB and has a minimum value of 2.9 dB, and the best P - (ldB) is -7.5 dBm at 860 MHz. The core consumes 6 mA current with a supply voltage of 1.8 V while the core area is only 0.2 × 0.2 mm ~ 2.
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