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笔者从理论到实践再到认识,经过市场经济调研的基础上收集资料,用科学方法,对楚雄天然生物彝药产业的基本情况及成长现状、发展机遇和挑战、发展目标、存在问题进行了系统研究分析,发展楚雄天然生物彝药产业是事关楚雄州国民经济增长及彝州人民生活水平提高和发展潜力巨大的重要骨干支柱产业。首次进行了系统论述,为产业建设发展提供了重要理论依据和经验借鉴。产业研发符合中国西部大开发战略,符合云南省楚雄州产业结构调整政策,顺应了中国加入WTO和“国药”走出国门的时代潮流,符合“一带一路创新”发展现代彝药经济的突破口,有利于促进彝药经济繁荣与区或经济合作,共同发展。楚雄州境内的野生彝药中药材资源品种齐全。贮量丰富,具备产业发展的资源优势和较好的发展潜力。楚雄彝药产业已形成多门类综合协调发展的生态型经济产业。产业发展中存在的主要问题:认识有差距,服务不到位;产业规模小,难于支撑;中药材种植技术基础薄弱;企业市场营销信息网落滞后;企业技术创新发展滞后,缺乏彝药品牌核心竟争力。 The author from theory to practice and then to understand, through market economic research based on the collection of information, using scientific methods, Chuxiong natural biological Yi medicine industry’s basic situation and growth status, development opportunities and challenges, development goals, problems with the system The research and analysis on the development of Chuxiong’s natural biological medicine industry is an important backbone pillar industry that is related to the economic growth of Chuxiong Prefecture and the improvement of living standards and the great potential for development of Yi people. For the first time a systematic exposition, provided an important theoretical basis and experience for industrial construction and development. Industrial R & D is in line with the strategy of developing the western part of China in line with the industrial restructuring policy of Chuxiong Prefecture of Yunnan Province and is in keeping with the trend of the times when China accedes to the WTO and “Sinopharm” goes abroad. It is in line with the “One Belt and One Road Innovation” and the economic development of modern Yi medicine A breakthrough point is conducive to promoting the economic prosperity of Yi medicine and regional or economic cooperation and common development. Chuxiong Prefecture territory of wild Yi medicine Chinese herbal medicines full range of resources. Rich reserves, with industrial development resources and better development potential. Chuxiong Yi medicine industry has formed a comprehensive coordinated development of various types of eco-economic industries. The main problems in the industrial development: understanding of the gap, the service is not in place; small-scale industries, it is difficult to support; Chinese herbal medicine planting technology foundation is weak; enterprise marketing information network lags behind; enterprise technological innovation lags behind the lack of core Fight.
<正> 天台山既是中日佛教天台宗的发祥地,又是中国道教南宗的祖庭.素有“佛窟仙源”之美称.千余年来,形成了独树一帜,名驰中外的名山文化“天台山文化”.其中对日本、朝鲜(笔
<正> 地处东海之滨的良渚文化近年来一系列令人瞩目的重要发现,使得人们对这一文化发展水平之高,作了重要的估计.人工筑成的土台形陵山.祭台,相当普遍的玉敛葬及殉人制度.大
目的 对比低浓度罗哌卡因和布比卡因自控硬膜外分娩镇痛 (PCEA)的效果。方法 5 2例单胎初产妇随机分为 0 1%罗哌卡因 -芬太尼组和 0 0 75 %布比卡因 -芬太尼组。采取双盲