Genome sequence variationanalysis of two SARS coronavirus isolates afterpassage in Vero cell culture

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SARS coronavirus is an RNA virus whose rep- lication is error-prone, which provides possibility for escape of host defenses, and even leads to evolution of new viral strains during the passage or the transmission. Lots of varia- tions have been detected among different SARS-CoV strains. And a study on these variations is helpful for development of efficient vaccine. Moreover, the test of nucleic acid characterization and genetic stability of SARS-CoV is im- portant in the research of inactivated vaccine. The whole genome sequences of two SARS coronavirus strains after passage in Vero cell culture were determined and were com- pared with those of early passages, respectively. Results showed that both SARS coronavirus strains have high ge- netic stability, although nearly 10 generations were passed. Four nucleotide variations were observed between the sec- ond passage and the 11th passage of Sino1 strain for identi- fication of SARS inactivated vaccine. Moreover, only one nucleotide was different between the third passage and the 10th passage of Sino3 strain for SARS inactivated vaccine. Therefore, this study suggested it was possible to develop inactivated vaccine against SARS-CoV in the future. SARS coronavirus is an RNA virus whose rep- lication is error-prone, which provides may for escape of host defenses, and even leads to evolution of new viral passages the the transmission. Lots of varia- tions have been detected among different Moreover, the test of nucleic acid characterization and genetic stability of SARS-CoV is im- portant in the research of inactivated vaccine. The whole genome sequences of two SARS coronavirus strains after Vero cell culture were determined and were com- pared with those of early passages, respectively. Results showed both both SARS coronavirus strains have high ge netic stability, though almost nearly 10 generations were passed. Four nucleotide variations were observed between the sec-ond passage and the 11th passage of Sino1 strain for identi- fication of SARS inactivated vaccine. Moreover, only one nucleotide was different from the third passage and the 10th passage of Sino3 strain for SARS inactivated vaccine. Therefore, this study suggested it was possible to develop inactivated vaccine against SARS-CoV in the future.
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