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画家张鸿张鸿,1970年出生,安徽阜阳人,现为北京荣宝斋画院画家、中国国家画院程大利山水工作室高研生、安徽省政府参事室省江淮诗书画研究院特聘顾问、中国书画篆刻网签约画家、湖南省艺民轩特聘画家、安徽省美术家协会会员、安徽省书法家协会会员、安徽省颍州书画院副院长。其作品气韵高古、沉寂清远,曾参展安徽省首届美术大展、共和国成立55周年教育书画展、1990年中国人民解放军书画展(绘画一等奖)、邓小平诞辰百年国展、全国书法现代刻字名家邀请展等。 Painter Zhang Hong Zhang Hong, born in 1970, was born in Fuyang, Anhui province. He is currently a painter of Rongbaozhai Painting Institute in Beijing, a high-graduate student of Chengdali Landscape Studio in China National Academy of Painting, a consultant consultant of the Anhui Province Government Jianghuai Poetry Painting and Calligraphy Institute, Network signed painter, art director of Hunan Yi Renxuan, Anhui Artists Association, Anhui Calligraphers Association, Anhui Province, Yingzhou Painting and Calligraphy Institute vice president. His works are exalted in ancient times and quiet in Qingyuan. He exhibited at the first art exhibition in Anhui Province, the 55th anniversary exhibition of education and painting in the Republic, the Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition of the People’s Liberation Army in 1990 (the first prize of painting), the 100th anniversary exhibition of Deng Xiaoping’s birth, the modern Chinese calligraphy Famous invitation exhibition.
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近期,国家林业局植树造林司总工程师李怒云去了墨西哥东南部的瓦哈卡市(Oaxaca),拍摄了一些有特色的街道绿化及植物园图片,现选登几幅以飨读者。 瓦哈卡离墨西哥城442公里,
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基于密度泛函理论的第一性原理平面波超软赝势方法,用广义梯度近似(GGA)PBE 交换相关泛函,研究稀土Ce掺杂的SnO2材料能带结构和光学性质,对纯SnO2和掺杂后的能带结构、态密度以及