
来源 :机电兵器政工 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cloudzhu429
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在我国新一轮改革高潮再度兴起之际,兵器工业37个企事业单位的50多名党委书记、宣传部长,于11月下旬聚集重庆嘉陵机器厂,参加宣传工作座谈会,兵器工业总公司政工办主任李清禄在会上讲了话。会议就如何宣传贯彻党的十四大和新近结束的十四届三中全会精神,探索走向市场经济条件下企业宣传工作的新路子进行了交流讨论,并到嘉陵、江陵、长安等企业现场观摩,会议着重交流、研讨了大宣传的理论与实践,形成了一些有价值的思路和观点,现分述如下:(一)当经济取代政治而居于时代的中心地位,当市场经济被确认为我国经济改革的目标模式后,宣传工作如何坚持党的基本路线,发挥优势、提高效果,卓有成效地为企业的改革、发展和稳定服务,对此,兵器工业广大宣传工作者进行了积极的探索。在前几年强化经济宣传的基础上,从去年上半年开始,提出并逐步进行了大宣传的尝试,目前,西南 As China’s new round of reforms began to rise again, more than 50 party committee secretaries and propaganda ministers from 37 enterprises and institutions of the weapons industry gathered in Chongqing Jialing Machine Factory in late November to participate in the symposium on propaganda work. Director Li Qinglu spoke at the meeting. The conference discussed how to publicize and implement the Party’s 14th National Congress and the recently concluded Spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee, explored new ways for enterprises’ propaganda work under the conditions of market economy, and exchanged views with enterprises in Jialing, Jiangling, and Chang’an. The conference focused on exchanges and discussions on the theory and practice of big propaganda and formed some valuable thoughts and viewpoints. Now it is divided into the following: (1) When the economy replaced politics and stayed at the center of the times, when the market economy was confirmed as the economy of our country After the reform of the target model, the propaganda work how to adhere to the party’s basic line, give full play to its advantages, improve results, and effectively serve the enterprise’s reform, development and stability. In response, the weapons industry’s vast propaganda workers have actively explored. On the basis of strengthening economic propaganda in the past few years, starting from the first half of last year, a large publicity campaign was proposed and gradually implemented. At present, the southwest
1 到2000年化学工业总产值比1990年增长185%,年均递增10%。其中省市化工企业总产值比1990年增长136%,年均递增9%。 2 到2000年化学工业实现利税比1990年增长185%,年均递增10%。其