Discussion of the indexes of nonoutburst coal seam upgrade and its corresponding critical values

来源 :Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wdhjhh
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In view of the measurement difficulties of indexes recommended by the 50Items Experience of Coal Mine Gas Prevention in the process of the nonoutburst coalseam upgrade, this paper took the No.8 coal seam of Huainan Mining Group as research object. Discussed the suitability of indexes and corresponding critical values, putforward method in determining the indexes and its critical values by analysis and investigation of the gas geological condition and the-spot tracking near position where anoutburst occurred combined with laboratory experiment, and established the indexesand its critical values of nonoutburst coal seam upgrade in No.8 coal seam of HuainanMining Group. The results show that it is suitable to take gas content and tectonic softcoal thickness easily to gain in routine production as primary upgrade indexes that itscritical values are 7.5 m~3/t and 0.8 m, respectively. In addition, takefvalue and Ap valueas auxiliary indexes. In view of the measurement difficulties of indexes recommended by the 50Items Experience of Coal Mine Gas Prevention in the process of the nonoutburst coalseam upgrade, this paper took the No.8 coal seam of Huainan Mining Group as research object. Discussed the suitability of indexes and corresponding critical values, putforward method in determining the indexes and its critical values ​​by analysis and investigation of the gas geological condition and the-spot tracking near position where anoutburst occurred combined with laboratory experiment, and established the indexes and its critical values ​​of nonoutburst coal seam upgrade in No. 8 coal seam of Huainan Mining Group. The results show that it is suitable to take gas content and tectonic softcoal thickness easily to gain in routine production as primary upgrade indexes that its critical values ​​are 7.5 m ~ 3 / t and 0.8 m, respectively In addition, takefvalue and Ap valueas auxiliary indexes.
青胡桃为胡桃科植物胡桃(Juglans regia L.)的新鲜或干燥幼果,具有清热解毒、消肿止痛、乌发等功效,在民间主要用于治疗牙痛,痛经,肝胃气痛,癌症痛,胃神经痛,急、慢性胃痛,腹痛,须发早白等。青胡桃药材收录于2003版《贵州省中药材、民族药材质量标准》,但青胡桃药材的含量测定项还尚未完善,青胡桃药材的深度开发利用受到限制。为了改变现状,本课题以青胡桃药材为研究对象,以《中国药典》2015
The velocity of an over-burst coal seam is about 1/3 compared to a normal coalseam based on laboratory test results.This can be considered as a basis to confir