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档案学对档案作用表述的缺憾 长期以来对档案作用性质的论述主要有两类:一是凭证作用和参考作用;二是凭证作用、参考作用、情报作用。有的把作用称为“价值”。暂且不去评说各种对档案作用具体表述形式是否全部反映了档案作用的内涵,也不去研究其逻辑上的严密性,仅从表述的不统一看,也是档案学不够成熟的表现之一。我们取凭证作用和参考作用这一具有代表性的论述来分析。凭证作用就是证据作用,这是档案具有生命力的根本所在,是目前发挥作用最突出,也是最容易被人们所认识的。参考作用如何理解就要根据各人对“参考”的理解而定。根据逻辑学说,如果档案的作用分凭证和参考作用是科学的话,那么这两个作用应该涵盖了档案作用的全部内容,且互不包容。也就是说档案除了凭证作用外的作用就是参考作用。根据《现代汉语词典》解释,参考就是 The shortcomings of archival studies on the role of archives There are two main types of discourse on the nature of the role of the file: First, the role of vouchers and reference role; Second, the voucher role, the role of reference, the role of intelligence. Some refer to the role as “value.” For the time being, we can not comment on whether all the specific forms of the role of archives reflect the connotation of the role of archives, nor do they study the logical rigor of the archives. We take the evidence of the role and reference to the representative of the analysis to analyze. The role of evidence is the evidence. This is the fundamental reason why a file has vitality. It is the most prominent and most easily recognized by people at present. How to understand the role of reference should be based on the understanding of “reference”. According to the logic theory, if the function of the file is scientific, the two roles should cover the entire content of the file and should not be tolerated. In other words, the role of the document in addition to the role of evidence is a reference. According to “Modern Chinese Dictionary” explanation, the reference is
突然到交通岗亭顶岗一天,临下班前碰到一桩特让我无奈、委屈和懊丧的事。 先说一下小巧。小巧是多年前与我曾有过一段缠绵悱恻情感的女孩,她五官和身段正如她名字一样小巧玲
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随着“十一”长假的一天天临近,心里也开始算计起那快乐的七日行程。 翻看着报纸,虽然离长假还有一段时间,但每日的报纸中夹送着各个旅游景点的彩色宣传画仍是惹人心动。只