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高考就像一个分配社会等级的游戏,成就和毁灭着人们的梦想和追求,无论你觉得它有多么可恨,对大多数人来说,它终究是一个相对公平的游戏。正经历高考的人请珍惜,它是人生第一个重要拐点,是一次难得的磨炼成人的好机会。高考之后,再无纯真。那些已经走过高考的人,也会百感交集。那曾经不谙世事、意气风发、满怀希望、为自己助威的青春年华,已经一去不复返了,多年以后,当我们回忆起来,才发现学习是多么简单快乐的事情啊。生活在往复,人生就是—个公式:出生——读书—升学——工作——婚育——退休……这个公式里,高考只是一个小关口,人生还有很多更大的考验。在人生的每—个路口,我们都希望,你能够保持自信,追求快乐,只有快乐才是万能的。 The college entrance examination is like a game that distributes social hierarchy. It accomplishes and destroys people’s dreams and pursuits. No matter how much you think it is hateful, for most people it is a relatively fair game. Those who are experiencing the college entrance examination cherish, it is the first important turning point in life, and is a rare opportunity to temper adults. After the college entrance examination, there is no more innocence. Those who have already taken the entrance exam will also have mixed feelings. The years of youth that once spent time in the world, filled with hope, and filled with hope, and cheered for themselves, are gone forever. Many years later, when we remember, we discovered how simple and joyful learning is. Life is reciprocating, life is a formula: birth - study - study - work - marriage and education - retirement ... this formula, the college entrance examination is only a small mark, life has many more tests. At every intersection of life, we hope that you can be confident and pursue happiness. Only happiness is omnipotent.
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清明前夕,我将收到一封信,没有什么  不吉利。也许我还会寄出一封信  我是一个不需要祭奠祖先的人。我活着迎接  四月,这个充满味道的情人之夜  想象朝着人群相反的方向走  人本就有许多无意义的举动  比如我今夜在纸上写下这段话  比如我背著一本关于饥饿的诗集  黄绿色的叶子会迫不及待,在南方  他已等了一个假意的冬天,用夏季记叙  秋日。阳光就是我途经那块橘子皮  有时眯着眼看我,有时我们擦肩而过
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梨花是空中的舞者,比中东还乱  几根白发沦陷在青丝万缕之中  要想让任何一根飞出视线,无异于大海捞针  当你命中目标都会伤及周围的一些黑发  你这样一剪刀剪下去,又让我平添一种扔掉  人质的沉重  有人微笑起来,汗水顺着肩颈  倘若梨花身后的花海没有什么动静  倘若果實身后的树枝没有什么动静
有些同学平时成绩良好,在考前又作了充分复习,可是在考场上,试卷一发下来,便惊慌失措,心跳加快,手脚冰凉,脑中一片空白,使得平时很熟悉的知识也全然回忆不起来。待考试一结束,思绪又如泉涌,然而由于失去了机会,造成了深深的遗憾。这种现象就是我们平常所说的考试怯场,在心理学上称为考试轻度焦虑。  为什么会出现上述现象呢?  原来,有的同学习惯于夸大考试的成败意义,当某次考试失利时会把这种挫折看成是所有考试