描绘波澜壮阔历史 推出时代精品力作——“国家重大历史题材美术创作工程作品展览”献礼国庆

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由中宣部、文化部、财政部主办的“国家重大历史题材美术创作工程作品展览”于2009年9月22日在中国美术馆开幕。参展作品共计102件,其中国画33件,油画51件,雕塑18件。9月23日至10月20日,展览对公众免费开放。国家重大历史题材美术创作工程以我国波澜壮阔的反帝、反封建、反殖民主义斗争和社会主义革命、建设的重大历史事件为主题内容,选题由中央党史研究室和中国社会科学院近代史研究所的专家拟定,并经中办和中宣部批复同意后公布实施。“创作 Organized by the Central Propaganda Department, the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Finance, the ”Exhibition of Major Works on National Historic Art Works“ was opened on September 22, 2009 at the China Art Museum. A total of 102 entries, of which 33 Chinese painting, oil painting 51, sculpture 18. From September 23 to October 20, the exhibition is open to the public for free. The major historical subject matter art creation project of the State takes the magnificent anti-imperialist, anti-feudal, anti-colonialist struggles and the major historical events of socialist revolution and construction as the major topics in our country. The topics are selected by the Central Party History Research Center and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences The experts drawn up, and by the Office of the Central Propaganda Department approval and announced the implementation. ”creation
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