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1994年是国务院批准成立烟台开发区十周年。经过十年来的艰苦创业,顽强拼搏,在一片荒沙滩上,初步建设起一个基础设施不断完善,产业结构趋向合理,投入产出能力进一步增强,初具发展规模的现代化工业城区,各项经济和社会事业蓬勃发展,取得重大的成绩。目前,全区建成区面积已达8平方公里,在建区面积达16平方公里。累计签订外引内联项目1277个,合同总金额20.3亿美元。其中,累计签订“三资”项目589个,合同外资额6.1亿美元,实际利用外资2.15亿美元;累计投试产企业309家,实现工业总产值61亿元,创利税7.9亿元,实现财政收入3.1亿元,实现进出口总额7.8亿美元,其中出口创汇4.6亿美元;累计完成固定资产投资52亿元,其中基础设施投资8.8亿元。开发区第一次创业的艰巨任务已圆满完成,并为下一步的大发展打下了良好的基础。 1994 is the tenth anniversary of the approval of the State Council for the establishment of Yantai Development Zone. After a decade of arduous pioneering and indomitable struggle, on a deserted beach, a preliminary construction of a continuous improvement of infrastructure, industrial structure tends to be reasonable, further increase input-output capabilities, beginning to take shape with the development of a modern industrial city, the economy and Social undertakings flourished and made great achievements. At present, the built-up area of ​​the whole district has reached 8 square kilometers and the area under construction has reached 16 square kilometers. Cumulatively signed 1277 foreign-linked inland projects, the total contract value of 2.03 billion US dollars. Among them, a total of 589 “three-capital” projects were signed, with contracted foreign investment of 610 million U.S. dollars and actual utilized foreign capital of 215 million U.S. dollars. A total of 309 enterprises have been put into trial production, with a total industrial output value of 6.1 billion yuan, a profit tax of 790 million yuan and a fiscal With a total revenue of 310 million yuan and a total volume of import and export of 780 million U.S. dollars, of which foreign exchange earned from exports was 460 million U.S. dollars. The accumulated investment in fixed assets reached 5.2 billion yuan, of which, investment in infrastructure amounted to 880 million yuan. The arduous task of starting a business for the first time in the zone has been successfully completed and laid a good foundation for the further development of the zone.
文章主要探讨螺旋导轮修复精度对磨削圆锥滚子的影响。一个导轮在其整个使用寿命中需要修理的次数是很多的,每修一次就 有一个修复精度的问题。文中特别强调修复时要使导轮的
今年银荔杯的参赛资格有了明显的改变,多了许多新鲜的面孔,而且冠军奖金也一下子爆涨到了15万元,这些都是利好消息。不过赛程规定一天下两盘棋,还是淘汰制,压力很大。 这次比赛第二
引征与劫材篇 作战的前期准备要诡秘、隐蔽性强,不仅要有准确的算路,而且要有周密的战略部署。本期将围绕着引征和劫材展开讨论。 问题图一 这是去年第五届SK瓦斯杯新锐职业十杰
综合了 Ga As和 In P基 HFET工艺中的选择腐蚀技术的有关报道 ,重点介绍了应用 ICP设备和气体组合 BCl3+ SF6 进行异质结材料组合的干法腐蚀实验 ,腐蚀后在显微镜和扫描电镜