Effects of iron precursors on the structure and catalytic performance of iron molybdate prepared by

来源 :中国化学工程学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:z178933143
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Mechanochemical synthesis has been applied for many novel material preparations and gained more and more at-tention due to green and high-efficiency recently. In order to explore the influences of iron precursors on structure and performance of iron molybdate catalyst prepared by mechanochemical route, three typical and cheap iron pre-cursors have been used in preparation of iron molybdate catalyst. Many characterization methods have been employed to obtain the physical and chemical properties of iron molybdate catalyst. Results indicate that iron pre-cursors have the significant impact on the phase composition, crystal morphology and catalytic performance in the conversion of methanol to formaldehyde. It is hard to regulate the phase composition by changing Mo/Fe mole ratios for Fe2(SO4)3 as iron precursor. In addition, as for Fe2(SO4)3, the formaldehyde yield is lower than that from iron molybdate catalyst prepared with Fe(NO3)3·9H2O due to the reduction in Fe2(MoO4)3 phase as active phase. Based on mechanochemical and coprecipitation method, the solvent water could be a key factor for the for-mation of MoO3 and Fe2(MoO4) for FeCl3·6H2O and Fe2(SO4)3 as precursors. Iron molybdate catalyst prepared with Fe(NO3)3·9H2O by mechanochemical route, shows the best methanol conversion and formaldehyde yield in this reaction.
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