Mesoscale structure of the central South China Sea detected by SCSMEX Buoy and Argo float

来源 :Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qwedddessf
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We addressed the mesoscale structure variation of the central South China Sea(SCS) with the measurements by a long-lived Argo float and a high-resolution ATLAS buoy during 1998-2002.T-S diagram indicates cooling and freshening events in 2000 and 2001 with lower salinity(0.5-0.8) and lower temperature(1-1.7°C).Significant decrease in the net heat flux and increase in the precipitation suggest that the cooling and freshening is due to extra forcing by the atmosphere.Additional to large year-to-year changes,intraseasonal variability is moderate in the research area.The axis of the maximum intraseasonal temperature and salinity signals are mainly located on the thermocline.Typically,amplitude and period of intraseasonal temperature is about 2°C and 40-60 days,and that of salinity is 0.3-0.5 and 35-60 days.Rapidly-changing winds,heat flux,and precipitation are critical in controlling the intraseasonal fluctuations of the mixed layer of the area.Studies on heat and freshwater balance in the mixed-layer further suggest that horizontal advection plays an important role in intraseasonal fluctuation in the upper ocean.In addition,the energetic mesoscale propagation radiated from the east boundary is linked to the intraseasonal variability in winter. We addressed the mesoscale structure variation of the central South China Sea (SCS) with the measurements by a long-lived Argo float and a high-resolution ATLAS buoy during 1998-2002.TS diagram shows cooling and freshening events in 2000 and 2001 with lower salinity (0.5-0.8) and lower temperature (1-1.7 ° C) .Significant decrease in the net heat flux and increase in the precipitation suggest that the cooling and freshening is due to extra forcing by the atmosphere. Addition to large year-to -year changes, intraseasonal variability is moderate in the research area. The axis of the maximum intraseasonal temperature and salinity signals are mainly located on the thermocline.Typically, amplitude and period of intraseasonal temperature is about 2 ° C and 40-60 days, and that of salinity is 0.3-0.5 and 35-60 days. Rapidly-changing winds, heat flux, and precipitation are critical in controlling the intraseasonal fluctuations of the mixed layer of the area. Situies on heat and freshwater balance in th e mixed-layer further suggest that horizontal advection plays an important role in intraseasonal fluctuation in the upper ocean. In addition, the energetic mesoscale propagation radiated from the east boundary is linked to the intraseasonal variability in winter.
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