Goldilocks and the three bears

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  Goldilocks is a lovely young girl. One day she walks into woods, where she sees a beautiful house. She is very interested in the beauty of the house. As she goes into the house, she sees three bowls of porridge (粥) placed on a table. She takes a spoonful of porridge from the first bowl; it is too hot! She tastes from the second bowl; it is too cold. She tries the third bowl and it is perfect.
  She then sees three chairs of different sizes, a big one, a medium sized (中号的) one and a baby chair. The first two chairs are big, and uncomfortable for her to sit on. The third chair is a perfect fit. Trying to sit on the big chairs, she damages the chairs a bit.
  She feels tired. She looks into the bedroom. There are three cots (婴儿床) of different sizes with beds. The first bed is too hard for Goldilocks. The second bed is too soft. The third bed is perfect for her. She goes to sleep.
  Meanwhile, the real owners of the house returned. Who are they? How do they react (反应) when they see what Goldilocks has done to their home? How does she react on seeing them?
  1. Questions: (见文中最后一段的三个问题)
  2. Mixed-up Sentence Exercise(单词组句):
  1) she chairs sizes then sees three of different
  2) the first too Goldilocks bed is hard for
  答案:1.(略) 2. 1) She then sees three chairs of different sizes. 2) The first bed is too hard for Goldilocks.
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