Spatial Distribution of Traditional Villages and Influence Factors in Hunan Province

来源 :Journal of Landscape Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yin329060357
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To develop and protect traditional villages reasonably, this paper applied Arc GIS Spatial Analyst Tools to analyze spatial distribution and infl uence factors of 101 traditional villages in Hunan Province. The research showed the agglomerate distribution of traditional villages in Hunan; from the city scale, distribution of traditional villages was concentrated mainly in West Hunan Tujia Nationality Autonomous Prefecture, Chenzhou, Yongzhou, Huaihua and Shaoyang; concentrated distribution of traditional villages in the fi ve major geographic regions showed poor equilibrium, West Hunan had the most concentrated traditional villages, and South Hunan has the second most; relatively closed regional environment, perilous hills, inconvenient transportation, and underdeveloped social economy contributed to the protection of traditional villages, and they were all signifi cant infl uence factors for the distribution of traditional villages in Hunan. To develop and protect the traditional villages reasonably, this paper applied Arc GIS Spatial Analyst Tools to analyze spatial distribution and infl uence factors of 101 traditional villages in Hunan Province. The research showed the agglomerate distribution of traditional villages in Hunan; from the city scale, distribution of traditional villages was concentrated mainly in West Hunan Tujia Nationality Autonomous Prefecture, Chenzhou, Yongzhou, Huaihua and Shaoyang; concentrated distribution of traditional villages in the fi ve major geographic regions showed poor equilibrium, West Hunan had the most concentrated traditional villages, and South Hunan has the second most; relatively closed regional environment, perilous hills, inconvenient transportation, and underdeveloped social economy contributed to the protection of traditional villages, and they were all signifi cant infl uence factors for the distribution of traditional villages in Hunan.
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