
来源 :美术观察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:godman007
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三百多年前,莎士比亚让哈姆雷特对女人们说:“我知道你们会怎样地涂脂抹粉。上帝给你们一张脸,你们又给自己另外造一张脸。”今天,在我们的生活中,美容院比比皆是,化妆术已成为时尚。倘若我们漫步高楼林立,繁花似锦的街市,就会在身旁不断飘过宛如天仙的美女,她们有同样的美貌,同样的花枝招展,甚至同样的步履轻盈;她们被时尚造就,又在虚假的需求中被城市吞噬。 如果我们把上述风景作为当代都市女人生活的正面,那么,我的艺术则是敏锐地揭开了另一种真实,即她者(other)的负面。 从自身的本真体验寻找着自己的视觉语言,旨在表达我所观察的社会生活和感知的亲在人生。我描绘的人物往往是自己的生存经验的对象化,更多的是在我生活周围的女性,一张张浓艳、娇丽的颜面,渴望生活又被生活描摹出面目皆非的模样。以表现式的饱含神经质的笔触刻划着骚动的丝袜和丝织绣花三角短裤,以及有着揶揄意味的毛发,这些人物或百无聊赖,或自怜自艾,眼神 More than three hundred years ago, Shakespeare asked Hamlet to say to the women: “I know how you will apply lip gloss. God gives you a face, and you create another face for yourself.” Today, in our lives, beauty Homes abound, make-up techniques have become fashionable. If we wander the tall and flourishing streets and markets, we will continue to float like innocent beauties beside them, all of them having the same beauty, the same beautiful flowers and even the same lightness of walking. They are fashion-made and fake Demand is swallowed up by the city. If we regard the above-mentioned scenery as the positive aspect of the contemporary urban woman’s life, then my art is keenly opened to another truth, that of the other. Seek your own visual language from its own authentic experience, designed to express the social life and perceived pro-life I have observed. My characters are often the object of my own experience of survival, but more around the women in my life, a picture of Yan Yan, charming face, longing for life and life to describe the appearance of nonsense. With expressive neurotic pens engraved with the movement of the stockings and silk embroidered shorts, as well as the hair with a shame, these people or bored, or self-pity, eyes
越洋捷报 1997年7月29日夜晚,深圳中学的一间宿舍里,电话“铃铃铃、铃铃铃……”响起,守候在这里的一位年轻教师一步奔到电话机旁,紧张地拿起话筒。“老师,我是韩嘉睿。报告
本文分析了3G室内分布系统供电需求,介绍了该系统供电解决方案,并给出了几种比较常见的分散式供电应用形式。 This paper analyzes the power supply requirements of 3G in