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歷史科學教育,在學校全部學科中,佔有特殊的意義。因爲馬列主義全部學說,建築在對歷史的深刻的基礎之上;觀察自然界和社會生活的一切現象和方法,應該從歷史唯物主義的觀點出發,科學認識的辯證方法,就是歷史方法;没有歷史的觀點和方法,就不能正確地、客觀地了解和分析所研究對象的本質。尤其是面臨着培養青年一代,使他們成爲自覺地、積極地為祖國經濟和文化建設而奮鬥的人才偉大任務的今天,祇有使他們明瞭過去,才能認識現在;祇有使他們明瞭现在,才能認識將来;祇有使他們明瞭人類歷史是勞動人民被奴役和解放的歷史,才能認識人類歷史從何處來到何處去,才能樹立他們為建設祖國美好的將來,從新民主主義過渡到社會主義的現實的意義,樹立他們英勇邁進、堅定不移的必勝信念。此所以,中國史、世界史是學校重要學科,而中國近代史尤爲重要的原因。 History and science education, in all the subjects of the school, has a special meaning. Because all the doctrines of Marxism-Leninism are based on a profound foundation to history; all phenomena and methods of observing nature and social life should be viewed from the perspective of historical materialism and the dialectical method of scientific understanding is the historical method; and there is no historical Opinions and methods, we can not correctly and objectively understand and analyze the nature of the research object. Especially in the face of the great task of educating the younger generations so that they may become qualified personnel to strive for the motherland’s economic and cultural construction in a conscious and active manner, only knowing them can understand the present can only be realized if they understand the past; Only when they understand that human history is a history in which the working people were enslaved and liberated can they know where the human history is coming from and how they can establish the reality of their transition from new democracy to socialism for building a better future for their motherland The significance of establishing their brave forward, unswervingly win the conviction. Therefore, the history of China and the history of the world are important disciplines in schools, and the modern history of China is particularly important.
为人父母之初,曾在一本书中读到,初中阶段,是孩子成长中问题多发的年龄段。当我女儿一进入初中,我便时刻提高着警惕,谨防孩子走上邪路。 起初,我以为要把握住孩子的心理活动