
来源 :联合国青年技术培训 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:keithforever
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  For unscrupulous parents,  law has something to say
  The supreme law has defined “illegal profits”
  In March, 2010, the Opinions about Punishing Crimes Trafficking of Women and Children in Accordance with the Law came out. Before the stipulation in the Criminal Law for parents selling their own children for illegal profits is vague, and this time the supreme law for the first time clearly defined it as child trafficking crime. For people who selling own children, the public security department should confiscate the illegal income and impose a fine; the actions of selling children under the age of 14 for profits, trafficking children in the name of adoption and selling picking up children, if serious, shall all be given criminal sanctions as child trafficking crime.
  For the definition of “illegal profits”, the deputy chief judge of first criminal court of the supreme law Xue Shulan said, actions like treating fertility as a means of illegal profits and selling children just after birth; “giving” children to others for money by knowing the disability of raising or caring not about it; for money that obviously not belongs to “appreciation fee” or “nutrient fee” and “giving” children to others are all can be defined as illegal profits.
  As long as it is defined, then according to the 240th stipulation of the Criminal Law, people who trafficking women or children shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of more than five years and not more than ten years and also be fined; if more than three women or children or stealing children for selling, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of more than ten years or life imprisonment and also be fined or confiscated of property; if the circumstances are especially serious, shall be sentenced to death.
  Private adoption can avoid criminal penalties
  Xue Shulan said, the supreme law and legal department made investigation on the realistic situation of parents selling their own children. They found that, some family would for the education reason give their children to others introduce by acquaintances or after investigation when come across huge changes or economic problems. The adopters would give the parents some appreciation fee, which cannot be regarded as illegal profits, but belongs to private adoption. This can avoid criminal penalties. But if the parents don’t consider the situation of adopters and lead harms on children both physically and mentally, the judicial organs will judge them according to the crime of abandonment.
  For this, the Work Symposium Summary of National Court Criminal Trial Maintaining Rural Stability said that: it shall make a difference between cases of selling relatives. For actions for seeking for profits to “adopting children”, it shall be disposed as child trafficking crime; for those because of life difficulties or preferring boys than girls, it can be disposed as no crime; for those with serious consequences, it can be punished as offence of abandonment.
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