武昌棉红铃虫Pectinophora gossypiella(Saunders)的研究

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红铃虫在南方棉区为害棉花相当严重,除去脱落蕾铃外,僵黄花率为10—30%,我们针对这个严重问题,进行了红铃虫生活史的观察研究与防治方法试验,写出初步结果,提供防治参考。 1.红铃虫在华中武昌棉区一年有三代。第一代羽化在5至6月,7月中旬为第二代;8月下旬为第三代;第一代的蛹和幼虫所需时期均较第二、三代长。 2.成虫白天不活动,夜晚7时以后无风天气活跃最盛,产卵以在青铃上及花萼上为最多。孵化后三十多分钟即钻入棉桃内为害,4天即侵入棉籽内取食,10天棉瓤纤维呈僵黄状,半月后幼虫即可老熟(第三代的)。 3.田间防治红铃虫以10%滴滴涕硫磺粉喷三次效果显著,在后期棉虫严重地区可结合防治叶跳虫卷叶虫等同时进行。 4.籽花内的幼虫在群众家里及晒花时逃出84%,因此指导群众将籽花堆上加覆盖物,再结合帘架晒花是消减过冬红铃虫最经济有效的办法。 4.防治仓库越冬红铃虫以50%可混性滴滴涕1:30倍水溶液杀虫效果最佳。30天内死亡率达91%.6.5%可混性666(1:20)死亡率为63%。但是1:100倍的水溶液杀卵效率高到99.4%。稀释万分之一的E605为97.7%。50%可混性滴滴涕1:100杀卵率为64.2%,砒酸铃最差为16.2%。 6.越冬幼虫被寄生的平均有39.1%,发现天敌有二种,其中绝大多数是榖痒螨(Pediculoides ventricosus Red bollworm cotton damage in the southern cotton area is quite serious, except shedding bolls, the dead yellow flower rate of 10-30%, we deal with this serious problem, the observation and research methods of life history of red bollworm test, write Preliminary results provide a reference for prevention and treatment. 1. Red bell pests in Wuchang, Central China cotton area has three generations a year. The first generation of emergence in May to June, mid-July for the second generation; in late August for the third generation; the first generation of pupae and larvae are more than the second and third generation longer. 2 adults do not move during the day, after noon, the most active windless weather, spawning in the green bell and calyx is up. After hatching more than thirty minutes into the peach damage, 4 days that invade the cottonseed feeding, 10 days cotton fiber was stiff yellow, after half a larvae can be cooked (third generation). 3. Field prevention and control of pink bollworm sprayed with 10% DDT sulfur powder three times significantly, in the latter part of a serious area of ​​cotton insects can be combined with the prevention leaffoam leafworm, etc. at the same time. 4. The larvae in the seed flower escaped 84% when they were in the house of the masses and the sunflower. Therefore, guiding the masses to add the coverings to the seed-flower heap and then combining with the sun-shade of the curtain frame is the most economical and effective way to eliminate the overwintering red bollworm. 4. Prevention and treatment of overwintering red bollworm warehouse 50% miscible with DDT 1:30 times the best aqueous solution insecticidal effect. The death rate was 91% within 30 days.6.5% Inclusive 666 (1:20) The mortality rate was 63%. However, 1: 100 times the efficiency of egg solution to ovulation 99.4%. The E605 diluted 1/10000 is 97.7%. 50% miscible DDT 1: 100 killing rate of 64.2%, 砒 the worst acid was 16.2%. Overwintering larvae were parasitic on average 39.1%, found two kinds of natural enemies, the vast majority of itch mite (Pediculoides ventricosus
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