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心流(flow)指一个人在某项活动中完全沉浸、充分享受的心理状态。人们在创造性活动(如体育、音乐、舞蹈、绘画、写作)和被动娱乐(如看电视、玩电子游戏)当中都能体验到它。一般而言,经常得到心流会让人更加积极自信,但沉迷某些种类的心流也会有不良后果。日常语言的描述下列语言都可能是对心流体验的真实或文学化的描述:进入角色、乐在其中、得心应手、信手拈来、行云流水、探囊取物、举重若 Flow refers to a person fully immersed in an activity, fully enjoy the psychological state. People experience it in creative activities such as sports, music, dance, drawing, writing, and passive entertainment such as watching TV and playing video games. In general, getting a regular heartbeat can make you more confident and positive, but indulging in certain kinds of flow can have undesirable consequences. Description of Daily Language The following languages ​​may be true or literary descriptions of the experience of the mind and body: entering a role, enjoying it, being handy, getting it in the way, getting things done, finding out
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