Nonlinear Vibration of Rotor Rubbing Stator Caused by Initial Perturbation

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangmeiqing
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The vibration of a rotor rubbing a stator caused by an initial perturbation was studied analytically. The analytical model consists of a simple disc shaft rotor and a fixed stator. The perturbation is an instantaneous change of the radial velocity when the rotor is operating in its normal steady state. The analysis showed that the rotor may continue rubbing the stator for small clearance, even if the initial perturbation no longer exists. For the interest of engineering applications, we investigated various rotating speeds, perturbation amplitudes and clearances between the rotor and the stator. Various friction coefficients on the contact surface were also considered. The graphical results can be used for the design of rotating machines.  The vibration of a rotor rubbing a stator caused by an initial perturbation was studied been analytically. The analytical model consists of an simple radial shaft rotor and a fixed stator. The perturbation is an instantaneous change of the radial velocity when the rotor is operating in its normal steady state. The analysis showed that the rotor may continue rubbing the stator for small clearance, even if the initial perturbation no longer exists. For the interest of engineering applications, we examined various rotating speeds, perturbation amplitudes and clearances between the rotor and the stator . Various friction coefficients on the contact surface were also considered. The graphical results can be used for the design of rotating machines. 
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