The More Efficacious Acupoints of Zusanli and Sanyinjiao Than That of Non-acupoints on Bone Mass in

来源 :中国中西医结合杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:temp_dl
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Objective: To clarify whether the acupoints of Zusanli (ST36) and Sanyinjiao (SP6) have specific actions other than non-acupoints to bone. Methods: Forty Sprague-Dawley female rats were divided into five groups: Sham operated (sham) group; Ovariectomized (OVX, model) group; non-acupuncture group; OVX, needling on Zusanli and Sanyinjiao (Acp-A) group; OVX, needling on the reverse sides of Zusanli and Sanyinjiao (Acp-B) group; OVX, periostineal stimulation on the same height as points of Zusanli and Sanyinjiao (Acp-C) group. The experiment was continued for 23 weeks and then all animals were sacrificied.Results: OVX had a significantly higher body weight and lower bone mineral density (BMD) on the lumbar vertebrae, total femora and tibiae than sham rats, however, Acp-A showed a higher BMD compared with the other OVX groups. On the other hand, bone weights, bone strength and bone morphometry such as trabecular volume, trabecular separation, labeled width and bone formation rate also showed the same improvements in Acp-A as compared to the other OVX rats. Conclusion: The stimulation on Zusanli and Sanyinjiao specifically prevented the development of osteopenic rats compared with non-acupoints.
它的口径采用枪械极限的20mm,配用弹药取自高射炮弹。如此大口径、大威力,使得该枪结构也与众不同-- It uses the caliber of the gun’s 20mm, with ammunition from the a
目的 建立利多卡因氯己定气雾剂无菌检查法.方法 按2010年版中国药典无菌检查法验证试验的有关要求,通过接种阳性试验菌株,对添加中和剂去除利多卡因氯己定抗菌活性的实验方
Objective: To compare the therapeutic effect of Compound Recipe Gengniankang (更年康,GNK) with that of hormone replacement treatment (HRT) on climacteric female
[上期回眸]伸缩警棍体积小巧、携带方便、攻击性强,且能在实战中配合各种身体动作灵活运用多种攻防技术,深得公安民警的喜爱。本文第一部分向读者展示了伸缩警棍的结构性能、佩带方法、开/收棍方法。应对不同情况的持棍方式及攻、防动作。第二部分将向读者展示伸缩警棍的防拳与防腿攻击反击技术。    防拳攻击反击技术    防拳攻击反击是指公安民警在执勤中遭遇嫌疑人用拳头攻击时,利用警棍向嫌疑人实施反击。主要分防