GC-MS Analysis on Volatile Components in Mucilage from Christisonia hookeri

来源 :Medicinal Plant | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:homemoons
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[Objective] To analyze the volatile components in mucilage between calyx and corolla from Christisonia hookeri, and provide reference for the comprehensive development and utilization of Christisonia hookeri. [Method] The volatile components in mucilage were analyzed by GC-MS. [Result] There were two kinds of volatile components in the mucilage, i.e., 2-(2-butoxyethoxy) ethanol and methyl n-butyl sulfoxide. [Conclusion] The volatile constituents in mucilage from Christisonia hookeri could be used as raw materials for preparing some medicines and fine chemicals, while that were not the main compounds in mucilage, so the further research should focus on polysaccharides. [Objective] To analyze the volatile components in mucilage between calyx and corolla from Christisonia hookeri, and provide reference for the comprehensive development and utilization of Christisonia hookeri. [Method] The volatile components in mucilage were analyzed by GC-MS. were two kinds of volatile components in the mucilage, ie, 2- (2-butoxyethoxy) ethanol and methyl n-butyl sulfoxide. [Conclusion] The volatile constituents in mucilage from Christisonia hookeri could be used as raw materials for preparing some medicines and fine chemicals, while that were not the main compounds in mucilage, so the further research should focus on polysaccharides.
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