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法国人爱接吻、爱说话、爱吃、爱消遣,这“四爱”给外国人留下深刻的印象。接吻文化任何一部法国电影,如果去掉其中有关接吻、进食和冗长的对话与独白的部分,余下来的大概也就没什么可看的了。先说法国人的爱接吻。一个普通的观光客到了法国,不管他置身于都市或乡间,只要? The French love to kiss, love to talk, love to eat, love to pastime, which “four love” left a deep impression on foreigners. Kissing Culture Any French movie that goes without kissing, eating and lengthy conversations and monologues probably has nothing left to read. Let’s talk about French love kissing. An ordinary tourist arrives in France, whether he is in the city or the countryside, as long as?
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【写作导航】我们在行路的时候,前面突然出现了一条河,要从河的这边走到河的那边,有什么办法呢?要么有一条船摆渡过去,要么架上一座桥,从桥上通过。 [Writing Guide] When w