Spatial Structural Pattern and Vulnerability of China-Japan-Korea Shipping Network

来源 :Chinese Geographical Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nvhuang123
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The economies of China-Japan-Korea(CJK) are complementary, with their proximity resulting in the three countries having a high degree of interdependence with respect to trade. Currently, trade among these countries relies mainly on port-centered shipping. The development of the shipping network is integral for in-depth integration of CJK trade. This paper analyzes the overall characteristics, centrality, spatial structure, and vulnerability of the CJK shipping network using the methods of complex network analysis, blocking flow theory, and interruption and deletion of hub ports. The main findings are as follows: 1) The CJK shipping network has a small average path length and clustering coefficient, and its degree distribution follows a power-law distribution, which make the network present obvious characteristics of a Barabási-Albert scale-free. 2) The characteristics of the multi-center point of the CJK shipping network can alleviate traffic pressure. At the same time, the network shows a clear hierarchy in the port transportation system, with cargo transport relying mainly on the ‘hub port-hub port’ connection. 3) The CJK shipping network is relatively stable. Compared with ports in Japan and Korea, the main hub ports in China have a greater impact on the stability of the shipping network, in particular those ports of the central coastal region, including Shanghai, Ningbo, and Lianyungang. The economies of China-Japan-Korea (CJK) are complementary, with their proximity resulted in the three countries having a high degree of interdependence with respect to trade. Currently, trade among these countries relies mainly on port-centered shipping. the shipping network is integral for in-depth integration of CJK trade. This paper analyzes the overall characteristics, centrality, spatial structure, and vulnerability of the CJK shipping network using the methods of complex network analysis, blocking flow theory, and interruption and deletion of hub ports. The main findings are as follows: 1) The CJK shipping network has a small average path length and clustering coefficient, and its degree distribution follows a power-law distribution, which make the network present obvious characteristics of a Barabási-Albert scale -free. 2) The characteristics of the multi-center point of the CJK shipping network can alleviate traffic pressure. At the same time, the network sh a a clear hierarchy in the port transportation system, with cargo transport relying mainly on the ’hub port-hub port’ connection. 3) The CJK shipping network is relatively stable. Compared with ports in Japan and Korea, the main hub ports in China have a greater impact on the stability of the shipping network, in particular those ports of the central coastal region, including Shanghai, Ningbo, and Lianyungang.
摘 要:幼儿教学是基础教育,是培养未来人才的起步教育。幼教的内涵丰富,但要提高幼教质量,全面培养幼儿,必须建立优秀的幼教品牌,实现品牌效应,积极为幼儿教育服务。现在的幼儿有着丰富的实践生活经验,他们富于创造性。教师应让幼儿充分活动和自主学习,使他们产生良好而又积极的生活体验,鼓励他们通过自身的实践去发现自己的世界,让自己具备自主探究的能力,实现自主发展。  关键词:幼教品牌;自主发展;课程体系优化
教育无痕,没有爱的教育是苍白无力的。教师要关爱留守儿童,让他们的人生开出绚丽的花朵。 Education no trace, no love education is pale and weak. Teachers should care