Properties and Structure of Magnesium Matrix Composite Reinforced with CNTs

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huainanyan_sxnu
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By using high pure Magnesium (99.9 wt%) as matrix and multi-walled bended carbon nanotubes (CNTs) as reinforced phase,carbon nanotubes/magnesium matrix composite was prepared by the foundry method under the argon gas protection,and its mechanical properties were tested.The interface structure and component of plating and un-plating carbon nanotubes were analyzed by TEM and EDS,and the action mechanism was discussed.The experiment results show that the CNTs can strengthen mechanical properties of the nanotube-reinforced Mg matrix composite,the tensile strength and elongation ratio are greatly improved.Furthermore,the plating CNTs are better than un-plating CNTs in strengthening effects.The tensile strength is inereased by 150% and the elongation ratio is increased by 30% than that of matrix when content of CNTs is 0.67 wt%. By using high pure Magnesium (99.9 wt%) as matrix and multi-walled bended carbon nanotubes (CNTs) as reinforced phase, carbon nanotubes / magnesium matrix composite was prepared by the foundry method under the argon gas protection, and its mechanical properties were tested The interface structure and component of plating and un-plating carbon nanotubes were analyzed by TEM and EDS, and the action mechanism was discussed. The experiment results demonstrated that the CNTs can strengthen mechanical properties of the nanotube-reinforced Mg matrix composite, the tensile strength and elongation ratio are greatly improved. Morerther, the plating CNTs are better than un-plating CNTs in strengthening effects. tensile strength is inereased by 150% and the elongation ratio is increased by 30% than that of matrix when content of CNTs is 0.67 wt%.
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