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走进辽宁省营口县人武部会议室,墙壁上那一排排奖状和奖旗映入我们的眼帘:省先进县人武部、正规化建设标兵单位、率兵致富先进单位、征兵工作先进单位、武器管理先进单位、抢险救灾先进单位、党支部建设先进单位……人武部划归地办建制才4年,究竟是什么原因使他们获得如此多的殊荣呢?经过深入采访,我们发现关键是他们发扬党管武装的光荣传统,形成了坚强有力的领导核心。 Into the meeting room of the People’s Armed Forces in Yingkou County, Liaoning Province, the rows of awards and flags on the wall came to our eyes: the provincial advanced military units, standardized construction units, advanced troops to get rich, conscription advanced units, Advanced unit of weapons management, advanced unit of disaster relief and advanced unit of Party branch construction ... Only 4 years after the establishment of the People’s Armed Forces Department, did we find so many awards for them? After an in-depth interview, we found that the key is that they Carry forward the glorious tradition of armed party management and form a strong and powerful leadership core.
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爱子心无尽,归家喜及辰。  寒衣针线密,家信墨痕新。  见面怜清瘦,呼儿问苦辛。  低徊愧人子,不敢叹风尘。  译文  母亲爱子女的心是无穷无尽的,我在过年的时候到家,母亲多高兴啊!她正在为我缝棉衣,针针线线缝得密,我寄的家书刚收到,墨迹还新。一见面母亲便怜爱地说我瘦了,连声问我在外苦不苦?我惭愧地低下头,不敢对她说我在外漂泊的境况。  写作背景  表达了作者念家,乾隆十一年(公元1746年),蒋
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【英国《观察家报》1985年4月14日报道】美国正在试制一种轻型核地雷,其体积小到足以装在士兵的背包中。这种背包核武器简称亚当(ADAM),是先进原子雷(ADVANCED ATOMICMINE)
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