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2010年7月2日,广东省举行以“我为广东建设文化强省建言献策”为主题的网民代表座谈会。中共中央政治局委员、广东省委书记汪洋亲自主持会议,面对面听取网民代表的意见建议,并与网友进行在线交流。在回答网友提问时,汪洋说:广东不是文化沙漠。广东人的优点是务实,缺点是太务实。这可能是广东的文化特征之一。吾粤务实之风由来已久,“务实”作为粤人主要价值观,不仅吸收了中华文化实事求是的丰富养分,而且受欧风美雨浸润,有自身的历史和传统之根支撑着。粤人太务实,也是不争的事实。在这个“创意改变世界”的时代,太务实的粤人对生活缺乏一种发自内心的感动和想象,而生活的感动恰恰是创意思考、美学灵感的来源,更是发展美学经济的重要因素。 On July 2, 2010, Guangdong Province held a forum for netizens representing the theme of “I offer advice and suggestions to build a strong cultural province in Guangdong.” Wang Yang, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and secretary of the Guangdong Provincial CPC Committee, personally presided over the conference and listened to the opinions and suggestions of netizens representatives face to face and conducted online exchanges with netizens. In response to questions from netizens, Wang Yang said: Guangdong is not a cultural desert. Cantonese’s advantage is pragmatic, the disadvantage is too pragmatic. This may be one of the cultural characteristics of Guangdong. As a longstanding and pragmatic style of Guangdong, pragmatism, as the main value of Cantonese, not only absorbs the rich nutrients of seeking truth from facts in the Chinese culture, but also is infused with the beauty of the European wind and has its own roots in history and tradition. Cantonese too pragmatic, is an indisputable fact. In this era of “creative change of the world,” the pragmatic Cantonese lacked a heartfelt touch and imagination about life, and the touching of life is just the source of creative thinking and aesthetic inspiration, but also the development of aesthetic economy Key factor.
“开漳圣王”文化牵两岸3月28日,开漳祖地云霄在这花团锦簇、潮声涌动的季节再次迎来了2000多万开漳后裔的共同盛会——第三届中国云霄海峡两岸“开漳圣王”文化节 “Open
“爱书是犹太人的天性。我们从来不会毁掉一本书,即使书本很旧、很破,连封皮和书页都散落了,我们也绝不会扔掉它。书就是书,它本身就具有与智慧等同的价值。”Tamie Toledano