Geochemical characteristics of Lower Permian coal-measure source rocks in Northeast Ordos Basin

来源 :Chinese Journal of Geochemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jstxwt
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General characteristics and biomarker distributions of Lower Permian coal-measure source rocks in northeastern Ordos Bsain have been analyzed in this paper. The results show that the source rocks are type Ⅲ kerogen, thermally mature, with high content of total organic carbon. The extracts of the source rock samples with different lithologies from Well Su 27 feature high Pr/Ph ratios, high C19 TT and C24 Te, high rearranged hopanes, a predominance of C29 sterane in regular steranes, and the absence of C30 4-methylsteranes. These data suggest that the source rocks were deposited in suboxic to oxic conditions with dominantly terrigenous higher plant input. In contrast, the source rocks from wells Shuang 1 and Yu 20, are characterized by low Pr/Ph ratios, low C19 TT and C24 Te, high C23 TT, similar content of C27 sterane and C29 sterane, and the presence of C30 4-methylsteranes, showing that the source rocks were deposited in reducing environment with algae and/or microorganisms and terrigenous higher plant input. General characteristics and biomarker distributions of Lower Permian coal-measure source rocks in northeastern Ordos Bsain have been analyzed in this paper. The results show that the source rocks are type Ⅲ kerogen, thermally mature, with high content of total organic carbon. The extracts of the source rock samples with different lithologies from Well Su 27 feature high Pr / Ph ratios, high C19 TT and C24 Te, high rearranged hopanes, a predominance of C29 sterane in regular steranes, and the absence of C30 4-methylsteranes. These data suggest that the source rocks were deposited in suboxic to oxic conditions with dominantly terrigenous higher plant input. In contrast, the source rocks from wells Shuang 1 and Yu 20, are characterized by low Pr / Ph ratios, low C19 TT and C24 Te, high C23 TT, similar content of C27 sterane and C29 sterane, and the presence of C30 4-methylsteranes, showing that the source rocks were deposited in reducing environment with algae and / or microorganisms and terr igenous higher plant input.
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