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将近一年了,好多事情都在不经意间随片片撕下的日历悄然滑落,好多收成已在季节的更替中渐渐淡忘……然而,杭州女大学生千里走单骑在黎平献血救人的事却恍如昨天。这不是印证了那句话么?——感人的故事留给人的记忆是长久的,为别人、为社会奉献爱心的人,人们是无法忘却的。2007年9月14日晚上,黎平县岩洞镇述洞村侗族妇女杨昌花因宫外孕大流血住进黎平县人民医院,由于失血过多,处于昏迷状态,急需输血。医生对其抽血检验,血型为AB型RH阴性——稀有血型!中心血站的工作人员迅速查血库,没有这种血,紧接着电话联系省、州中心血 For nearly a year, a lot of things are inadvertently slipped with the piece of the calendar quietly slipped, a lot of harvest has gradually faded in the changing seasons ... However, the Hangzhou female college students riding thousands of miles away in Liping blood donation Like yesterday. This is not confirms that phrase it? - touching story left people’s memory is long-term, for others, for the community to give love to people, people can not forget. On the night of September 14, 2007, Dong woman from Chang Dong Village, Shatin Village, Luping County, Liping County, lived in Liping County People’s Hospital due to a massive bloody ectopic pregnancy. Due to excessive blood loss, she was in a coma and in urgent need of blood transfusion. Blood tests for doctors, blood type AB type RH negative - rare blood type! Center blood staff quickly check the blood bank, without this blood, followed by telephone contact with the provincial center blood
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