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同志们: 全国江河湖海仪器技术交流产品展销会今天开幕了。我代表水利电力部和国家海洋局,热烈祝贺这次大会的召开! 我们这次大会,得到国务院领导同志的关怀,受到有关部门和天津市政府领导同志的支持。李鹏副总理在百忙之中从北京专程来出席我们大会的开幕式和剪彩仪式,交通部副部长王展意同志、天津市人民政府副市长聂壁初同志、秘书长鲁学政同志、中国海洋石油总公司 Comrades: National Rivers and lakes instrument technology exchange products exhibition opened today. On behalf of the Ministry of Water Conservancy and Electric Power and the State Oceanic Administration, I warmly congratulate the convening of this conference! At this conference, we have received the care of the leading comrades of the State Council and are supported by the comrades of the relevant departments and the government leaders in Tianjin. During his busy schedule, Vice Premier Li Peng made a special trip to Beijing to attend the opening ceremony and ribbon-cutting ceremony of our conference. Comrade Wang Zhanyi, Vice Minister of Communications, Comrade NIE Bichu, Vice Mayor of Tianjin Municipal People’s Government, Comrade Lugu Zheng, Secretary General, the company
The palynolpgical study on the Quaternary sediments of 42 cores in the region of the Yangtze River Delta and the sections of 4 relics had been done since 1960.
Five species of marine phytoplankton, Phaeodactylum tricornutum, Chaetoccros minutissimus, Platymunas suhcordiforinis, Nitzschia sp. and Dunaliella sp. were an
鲁道夫·维特科夫尔[Rudolf Wittkower, 1901-1971]是出生于德国的英国籍美术史家。他的兴趣广泛,研究领域包括图像学、文艺复兴时期建筑的比例理论和巴洛克艺术的各个方面。
On the basis of the simple dynamic model of circulation developed for the East China Sea in References [1] and [2], the present paper proposes a more complete