
来源 :玻璃钢/复合材料 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dy_dj
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天线杆、电灯杆以及烟囱等类的玻璃钢/复合材料管状塔桅结构形式已有出现,本文只就强度计算方面作一些阐述。 这类结构物基本上是下部为支承着的细长圆筒体或截锥筒体,中间或有一道或多道抗风缆索如天线杆常有多道缆索,烟囱有一、二道缆索,广场照明灯杆则由于受条件约束和美观要求,不宜使用缆索,它是固支于地上的悬臂梁。它们所承受的荷载主要是风载,间或在顶部还有其他荷载。 玻璃钢/复合材料与其他惯用材料的不同点之一是其性能具有可设计性,既可以设计成平面准各向同性的材料,也可以设计成一向强度极高而第二向强度几近于零的极度各向异性材料。因此在设计玻璃钢塔桅结构物时,不能象对金属材料一样只从主要荷载设计壁厚,也不能象厚壁钢筋混凝土杆件一样只确定纵向钢筋量,而应在设计好纵向纤维用量的同时,还要设计好周向纤维量。 Antenna rods, lampposts, chimneys, and other types of fiberglass/composite tubular truss structures have emerged. This article will only elaborate on strength calculations. This kind of structure is basically a slender cylindrical or truncated cone body supported on the lower part. There are one or more wind-resistant cables in the middle. For example, there are often multiple cables for a mast, one or two cables for a chimney, and square lighting. The light pole is not suitable for use due to the constraints of conditions and aesthetic requirements. It is a cantilever beam fixed to the ground. Their load is mainly wind load, and there are other loads at the top or at the top. One of the differences between FRP/composite materials and other conventional materials is that their performance can be designed. It can be designed as a plane quasi-isotropic material, or it can be designed with a very high strength in one direction and a near-zero strength in the second direction. Extremely anisotropic material. Therefore, in the design of fiberglass tower truss structures, it is not possible to design the wall thickness from the main load like the metal material, and it is not possible to determine the amount of longitudinal reinforcement like the thick-walled reinforced concrete bar, but it should be designed at the same time as the longitudinal fiber usage. , but also design the amount of circumferential fiber.
3月18日是太原市的科技日 ,也是太原市“科学与文明”活动月开展的第一天 ,市委、市政府在南宫相继举行了“崇尚科技文明 ,反对迷信愚昧”展览开展仪式和“21世纪科技发展的特点及
作业不仅是巩固基础知识,并把基础知识转化为基本技能的手段,而且是培养思维能力、发展智力的重要途径。所以,每个教师都应当把布置和指导学生作业这一环抓紧抓好。 在教学过
1999年度国家科学技术学术著作出版基金资助项目评审工作业已结束 ,经有关专家严格评审 ,共评出83项为本年度的资助项目。我校吕春绪教授的《膨化硝铵炸药》项目获得资助 ,这