优化组织结构 发挥整体优势——融水水泥集团在改革探索中前进

来源 :改革与战略 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jianbbk
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在横向经济联合的春潮中破土而出的融水水泥集团,自1987年组建以来,通过不断深化内部改革,竞争实力明显增强,经济效益成倍增长。1988年,该企业集团总厂完成产值1500万元,实现利润400万元,主产品水泥产量5.05万吨,较历史最好水平的1987年,分别增长 Since the establishment of the Rongshui Cement Group, which broke ground in the spring tide of horizontal economic cooperation, since its establishment in 1987, through continuous deepening of internal reforms, the competitiveness has clearly increased and the economic benefits have multiplied. In 1988, the enterprise group completed a total output value of 15 million yuan, a profit of 4 million yuan, and a main product of 50,500 tons of cement, an increase of 1987 from the best level in history.
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