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  还记得2011年让不少人赞不绝口的印度影片《三个白痴》(3 Idiots)吗?片中三位主人公就读的皇家工程学院其实就是指印度理工学院。而印度理工学院在印度各学府中的地位可是至高无上的。我们来听听印度人的工程师梦吧。

  There’s a joke about Indian fathers. A father says to his son, “You can study any field you want as long as it’s engineering.” Dipanshu Aurora is only 15.He’s convinced that engineering is the only option, so much so that he’s overlooking one potentially important obstacle.
  Reporter: Are you good at math and science?
  Dipanshu: No, I am not good at math and science. It’s challenge for me.
  So Dipanshu left home after 10th grade and came to the town of Kota. The town’s famous in India for the dozens of cram schools that prepare students for the IIT exam. The IIT is the Indian Institute of Technology, the Holy Grail of education in India. Dipanshu spends six days a week sitting in classes like these. Forget sports, literature or history; just math, physics and chemistry for two years.
  Mortaza Falsia is 18, and he says he’s not like many of the other students here. He’s sincerely interested in engineering, but he failed the exam, so he’s here in Kota for a year of tutoring. I asked him and some of his friends why young people don’t study liberal arts in India.
  Mortaza: If you’re taking arts, then you’re scoffed at, you’re made fun of.
  They tell me there are classes in things like psychology.
  Friend A: …and if you take those courses, you’re going nowhere. You cannot expect a future over like taking a psychology…

  Friend B: …in India.
  Friend A: …yeah, in India. In India.
  According to Mortaza and his friends, science is the only subject worth studying, but only if it leads to an engineering or medical degree.
  Mortaza: They’re just looking to improve their style of living, and it’s not really the want of knowledge or that with that really motivates them. It’s basically better style of living; to achieve that.
  The problem is IIT only has about 10,000 seats, and half a million students take the entrance exam each year. That’s about 50 applicants for every seat. Compare that to Harvard, where 17 students apply for every student admitted.
  This obsession with engineering has an unintended effect. The country has a shortage of lawyers, architects and psychologists. Ironically, it doesn’t even have enough professors to teach all the students enrolled in its elite engineering schools.   But for Dipanshu Aurora, the 15-year-old who says he’s bad at math, it’s simple. He’d like to be an air traffic controller, but the job doesn’t pay enough. Dipanshu: No good college, then no good job, then salary’s less, then future is spoiled, no good wife, no good anything else.
  So he’s boning up for the engineering entrance exam next year; he and half a million other wouldbe engineers.
  印度理工学院 Indian Institute of Technology
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忘不了满眼绚丽的纱丽,忘不了恒河边虔诚的眼神,忘不了总统府前仪仗队整齐的步伐,忘不了繁忙而有序的新德里火车站……  两年多来,印度的种种画面不时在梦中出现,在印度十四天的经历总会浮上脑海;两年多来,小编总会利用各种机会有意无意地向身边的人讲述在印度经历的大事小情,一直在寻找合适的机会与蜂蜜们分享游印感受。  面对众多的视频、音频和文字资料,小编丝毫无厌烦之意,乐此不疲,痛并快乐着。借此,小编愉快地
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我们总想成为更好的人,过更好的生活。  我们爱那些美好的东西,坚信它们会带给我们更美好的人生。就是因着心中这样的坚定,我们不顾一切,我们奋勇向前。  我们是不是太过执着?  不,我们只是热爱生活,热爱那些我们自己的专属爱品,享受那些我们最私密的恋物情结;我们只不过是想给平淡的生活加上一些调味剂,品尝属于我们自己的味道。  我们需要身边有触手可及的温暖和信仰,抚慰我们内心的空虚和脆弱。当你纵情玩乐,