线宜曲不宜直 面宜凸不宜平——浅论奇石形体的审美标准

来源 :花木盆景(花卉园艺) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kingerfly
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笔者生长在闻名海内外的灵璧磬石之乡。十年来,我如痴如醉地为采集、收罗、研究灵璧石而不遗余力。通过对数以万计的灵璧石形体轮廓线与面的反复观察、分析,认为,奇石形体之美,是其形体轮廓线与面的美。“线宜曲不宜直,面宜凸不宜平”是奇石形体的审美标准。并且是赏评每一块奇石不可缺少的主要标准。线与面的结合,适应于对千姿百态的奇石形体的艺术审美。因为奇石,就其某一块形体来讲是固有不变的,而对于众多奇石,其形体的轮廓线与面是变化无穷的,无论如何变化皆离不开线与面。并且随审视角度的变化,线可以移动成面,面也可以移动成线。所以,线的曲直、面的凸平是审视和检验奇石形体各部位的动态和立体效果的标准。实践证实,不论是象形的,非象形的,或是在像与不像之间的奇石,其形体只要符合“线宜曲不宜直,面宜凸不宜平”的审美规律,看去就自然、舒适、耐看。“线宜曲不宜直,面宜凸不宜平”是赏石审美标准。为此,我翻阅了大量的艺术书籍,请教了艺术界的很多老师,又长期与石友们在一起切磋,通过在奇石形体上进行 I grew up in the well-known home and abroad Lingbi stone village. For ten years, I was mesmerized to spare no effort in collecting, collecting and studying Lingbi stone. Through the tens of thousands of Lingbi stone body contour lines and surface repeated observation and analysis, that the beauty of the stone body shape is its physical outline and surface beauty. “Line should not be straight, flat should convex flat ” is the aesthetic standard of the shape of the stone. And it is an indispensable main criterion for evaluating every piece of stone. The combination of line and surface, adapted to the artistic beauty of the shape of the stone in different poses and. Because the rocks are inherent in one of their bodies, and for many rocks, the outline and surface of their bodies are infinitely different. In any case, the changes are inseparable from the lines and surfaces. And with the change of perspective, the line can be moved into a surface, the surface can also be moved into a line. Therefore, the straight line of the surface, convex surface is to examine and test the dynamic and stereoscopic effect of various parts of the stone body standard. Practice has proved that, regardless of pictographic, non-pictographic, or between like and unlike, its shape as long as the line “line should not be straight, flat should not be flat ” aesthetic law, it seems natural Comfortable and resistant “Line should not be straight, flat should not convex flat ” is a stone aesthetic standards. To this end, I flipped through a large number of art books, consulted with many teachers in the art world, and long-term discussions with the stone friends, through the stone body
本方法采用硝酸-过氧化氢微波消解,硼氢化钾还原冷原子荧光测定大米中的汞,消解液无需赶酸,直接测汞,方法简便快捷,实验检出限浓度为0.024μg/L,线性范围0~40 ng/ml,经国家一
以胡萝卜、红枣为原料,用正交试验设计,主要研究了枣汁浸提最佳的工艺条件以及最佳复合汁配方,并对枣汁的澄清和复合汁稳定进行了探讨.结果表明,干枣和水用量比为1∶7, 浸提