Molecular dynamics simulation of thermal stability of nanocrystalline vanadium

来源 :Science in China(Series E:Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lxlgqm
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The microstructure and thermal stability of nanocrystalline vanadium with an average grain size ranging from 2.86 to 7.50 nm are calculated by means of the analytic embedded-atom method and molecular dynamics. The grain boundary and nanocrystal- line grain atoms are differentiated by the common neighbor analysis method. The results indicate that the fraction of grain boundary increases with the grain size decreasing, and the mean energy of atoms is higher than that of coarse crystals. The thermal-stable tem- peratures of nanocrystalline vanadium are determined from the evolution of atomic energy, fraction of grain boundary and radial distribution function. It is shown that the stable tem- perature decreases obviously with the grain size decreasing. In addition the reasons which cause the grain growth of nanocrystalline vanadium are discussed. The microstructure and thermal stability of nanocrystalline vanadium with an average grain size ranging from 2.86 to 7.50 nm are calculated by the method of the analytic embedded-atom method and molecular dynamics. The grain boundary and nanocrystal-line grain atoms are differentiated by the common neighbor analysis method. The results indicate that the fraction of grain boundary increases with the grain size decreasing, and the mean energy of atoms is higher than that of the coarse crystals. The thermal-stable tem- peratures of nanocrystalline vanadium are determined from the evolution of atomic energy fraction of grain boundary and radial distribution function. It is shown that the stable tem- perature decreases obviously with the grain size decreasing.
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